Can anybody help, I am in a battle with doctors to make them admit the damage done to me by mistreatment?
Arachnoiditus : Can anybody help, I am... - NHS England: A Ca...
NHS England: A Call to Action
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NHS staff are well known to be deceptive. If you are hoping they would own up. Forget it. They are the only bunch of people who are bound by a CQC regulation to be open and honest. That it self says a lot. Most of us dont need regulations specifically asking us to be honest. First put in a complaint and is that does not work start making some noise. By that I mean write to the CQC, CCG and MP. After that get a solicitor. But for the sake of others, dont let it go.
Absolute and utter nonsense. The NHS are not well known to be deceptive at all but rather explain everything to a great degree.
It is exclusively the patient who does not wish to comprehend or complain like mad if a particular treatment does not go their way that's the problem.
I may be wrong but I'm assuming you have a spinal chord injury? If so there's an organization called SIA which is spinal chord injury association, they may be able to help you. My partner has adhesive arachnoiditis through several procedures on his spine and the chemicals used as a dye to show up the original injury. This was a long time ago and he was in the army, back then you couldn't sue the crown.
Good luck, don't give up, it's a horrible condition and it needs to stop happening.
Thanks will look in to that, I did originally present with severe intractable lumbar pain, I have worked harder than most since I was 15 and had a few big falls while rock climbing, was told by some cretin at Derriford there was no real damage there yet a year earlier he told me I needed a risky operation? The second diagnosis from the consultant professor at Derriford strangely came after the pain clinic damaged me, collusion? My GP too has been part of the problem, making sure I masked the symptoms with opioids, which were handed out very freely!
Physiotherapy and medication cannot make your injuries worse than they currently are unless you have a severed spine and the physio makes you do yoga.
Understanding the proper treatment pathways goes a long way in understanding the treatment you receive. You were offered and epidural yet then claim you had it with no warning. How does being offered it not give you warning.
Of course not all treatments will work but you've got to get a grip of your anger issues first, I suspect. You have been injured - there is no magic cure. I suffered for 7 years before I had bilateral disc decompression surgery.
Of course the doctor will give you opoid analgesia, that is part of the treatment, but stating this as "part of the problem" shows that you don't actually understand what is going on.
Get over it -the rocks did the damage which is something that you seem to have conveniently forgotten.
Go with the treatment pathways, get your treatment, get on with your life and stop falling on rocks.
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