Is it normal to go from an under active thyriod to over active please.
Thyroid: Is it normal to go from an... - NHS England: A Ca...
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Hi Bridget197, Thyroid imbalance can change without warning hence the reason for regular monitering.
Maybe you are over medicated. What dose are you taking ? Do you have copies of your last blood test results ? Maybe pop over to the Thyroid UK forum here on HU. There's over 30,000 of us discussing Thyroid everyday
You are entitled to have copies of your results - this helps you monitor your progress and to ask more meaningful questions. Without results and ranges it is difficult to assist. Normally they only test the TSH - but you do need to know the FT4 and the FT3,
Could it be you have Hashimotos - when you have anti-bodies attacking the Thyroid it is possible to swing from Hypo to Hyper and back again.
Have you had the following Tested ? Ferritin - Folate - B12 - VitD ? All need to be OPTIMAL for you to feel well and for your medication to work well. What supplements do you take ?
I am not a medic - just a fellow sufferer who has found wellness with the help of others and lots of determination. You can click onto my name to read my Edited profile
Hi Marz, thanks for your reply, where do I start, for about 10 years plus I have had an under active Thyroid and been on 150 mcg, I`ve never been told any of the results you mentioned, I`ve had regular blood test all come back ok, although I am always tired, what does TSH, FT4 FT3 stand for, I feel rather ignorant on the subject even though I`ve suffered from it for such a long time. I have an appointment with my Dr. on Monday where I can get the results and then get back to you if that is ok. As for the other tests Ferritin, Folate, B12, VitD I assume they have been tested but I dont know. Thanks again Bridget
As you can see you are entitled to have copies of your test results by law ! You do not have to give a reason - just that you wish to monitor your own progress.
Being told by your Doc that your tests have come back OK - is really not good enough - sadly. Docs are trained to look at ranges and often where you are in those ranges is so important for wellness. Your TSH needs to be 1 or under as you are on medication - the FT4 needs to be towards the top of the range and the FT3.
So ..... the TSH is Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and is produced by the Pituitary Gland. It tells the thyroid to produce T4.
T4 is a storage hormone and does little in the body - that is the tablet you are taking. It resides in the liver - kidneys and peripheral tissue until needed. It needs to be converted into the ACTIVE thyroid hormone T3 - and that is needed in EVERY cell of the body - all 30 trillion So if your Free T3 - FT3 - is low then there is not enough to go around all the cells and things begin to go wrong.
Docs try to resist the testing of FT3 or the labs do - as it is a more expensive test. It is so important to know how the T4 tablet you are taking is converting into the T3. If it is not converting - then it can be backing up in the blood - creating rT3 and causing your symptoms.
It is also VERY important you have the Thyroid anti-bodies tested - as I mentioned earlier having Hashimotos - or auto-immune thyroiditis - can cause you to swing from Hypo to Hyper as the thyroid is under attack.
You can never assume the B12 - Ferritin - Folate - Iron - VitD have been tested - as they are not included in the FBC - Full Blood Count. So they have to be requested. Again obtain copies of the results and post here in a New post for people to comment or send me a PM. B12 needs to be near at the top of the range - also VitD. Folate and Ferrtin around mid range. Good levels are needed for the T4 tablet you are taking to convert well in the body and for you to feel well.
I have linked the above website about Test Results - there is a loads of information - and confirming some of my comments above. It is the main website for Thyroid UK from when the forum here on HU sprang.
Are you taking any supplements ?
Please keep asking questions - it is a complicated subject and I am happy to help.
Especially so with hashimoto's thyroiditis I have been told and experienced.
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