Looking for Neuropathic treatments in t... - Neuropathy Support
Looking for Neuropathic treatments in the Collingwood/Barrie/Owen Sound, Ontario areas Please advise

Our website has a list of doctors that treat neuropathy. Please see the list below or on our website at: canadianneuropathyassociati...
Dr. Peter Ashby
Professor of Neurology
Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathhurst Street
Toronto ON M5T 2S8
Tel: (416) 603-5017
Fax: (416) 603-5768
Dr. Pierre Bourque
Neurosciences & Neurology
Ottawa Civic Hospital
1053 Carling Avenue
Ottawa ON K1Y 4E9
Tel: (613) 761-5353
Fax: (613) 761-5360
Dr. Vera Brill
Professor of Neurology
Eaton Wing North 11-209
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street
Toronto ON M5G 2C4
Tel: (416) 340-3315
Fax: (416) 340-4189
Dr. S. G. Esmail - Director *MAB
Chief of Neurology
North York General Hospital
4001 Leslie Street
Toronto, ON M2K 1E1
Phone: (416) 756-6000
Fax: (416) 756-9047
Website: nygh.on.ca
*Medical Advisory Board
Dr. Gyl Midroni
St. Michaels Hospital - Toronto
30 Bond Street
Toronto ON M5B 1W8
Tel: (416) 864-5193
Fax: (416) 864-6095
Dr. Michael Nicolle
Clinical Neurological Sciences
London Health Sciences
University campus
Box 5339 Stn A 339 Windermere Road
London ON N6A 5A5
Tel: (519) 663-3236
Fax: (519) 663-3328
Dr. Elizabeth Pringle
Neurology Division
Ottawa General Hospital
501 Smythe Road
Ottawa On K1H 8L6
Tel: (613) 737-8689
Fax: (613) 737-8857
Dr. Michael Strong
Clinical Neurological Sciences
Room 70F10
London Health Sciences, University Campus
PO Box 5339 Stn A 339 Windermere Road
London ON N6A 5A5
Tel: (519) 663-3874
Fax: (519) 663-3609
Dr. Jiri Vajsar
Neurology Department
Toronto Hospital for Sick Children
555 University avenue
Toronto ON M5G 1X8
Tel: (416) 813-5668
Fax: (416) 813-6334
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info. Had already checked out this site and really wanted to find something within the Collingwood/Barrie/Owen Sound/ Newmarkets.
Bev Baxter
The closest neurologist that deals with chronic issues with neuropathies is Dr. Esmail from NY General
You have top notch doctors in Barrie that you might want to access.
Hartsburg, Cory Dr
1 Quarry Ridge Rd
Barrie, ON L4M 7G1
(705) 728-4501
Dr Rudolf Arts
190 Cundles Rd E Suite 304
Barrie, ON L4M 4S5
(705) 721-1060
I hope this helps.