Does anyone know what the antenatal c... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Does anyone know what the antenatal clinic appointment after dating scan is for?

Craftms profile image
23 Replies

Hi all, I'm new here and 11+4 with my 2nd successful (so far) pregnancy. I'm pregnant with twins (yay) that share a placenta. I have my dating scan next week and the letter says I have a 1 hour long antenatal clinic after. I haven't had this before, does anyone know what happens?

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Craftms profile image
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23 Replies
Kempton profile image

I think different areas have different practices. Have you had your booking appointment at around 10 weeks? I've heard some places combine that with the dating Scan, just to get your medical history, take bloods and urine.

Otherwise I'm really not sure. Might be because it's twins. Was this an ivf or natural pregnancy?

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Kempton

Hi, thanks for replying. Maybe it is because it's twins, we're having natural twins.. they were an amazingly good surprise 🙂. I'm a bit of a nervous mum, and I've already had some complications that have seen me in hospital overnight a couple of weeks ago - a little more detail on the letter would have made me feel better.

Kempton profile image
Kempton in reply to Craftms

Makes sense then. Twins is already considered high risk so if you has some complications... Best of luck with it all. I always like having the extra appointments anyway as it does feel a bit like you're left to just get on with it with huge gaps between appointments.

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Kempton

I agree, I admit I'm looking forward to the extra contact time. I just hadn't heard of it before. Thanks 🙂

I had an appointment booked with a consultant after the 12w scan usually if your higher risk. I never got as I keep losing after 12w 😢

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't suppose there's anything I can say but try to stay positive. Nature works in the strangest ways. As for me I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens at this mysterious appointment I'm booked into

in reply to Craftms

I want sure either I hadn’t had extra with my other kids maybe age related for me I was 38 at the tine

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to

I'm 35, maybe its age. It's a bit frustrating, I wish I had just been told what it's for. Thanks for trying to help though x

in reply to Craftms

Most probably because your having twins don’t worry prob just a chat and extra app and scans

Betty4893 profile image

I got a letter saying very similar at my 12 week scan.

They just did blood pressure and temperature and went through a few details. Nothing major. It lasted about 15 minutes if that x

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Betty4893

Hi, thank you, that eases my mind a little. One more week to wait to know for sure that everything is going well and they're both still there! Xx

Kiki3 profile image

I had these appointments all the way the pregnancy. I belive that I had them because when I was younger I had some heart problems nothing serious and on my first appointment they mostly asked about my past health issues and how I felt. In your case I think it's because you are expecting twins. And I think they will explain more about the scans you just had.

Just want to say big congratulations! :)

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Kiki3

Aww thank you! We're so happy and just can't believe our luck! I'm so hopeful that they'll both still be there when I'm scanned next week, I've known about this appointment for a month so it's been a long wait! Xx

Rebel2103 profile image

Congratulations on your twin pregnancy. I’m a twin mummy, as your twins share a placenta your even higher risk. I’m sure everything will be fine and they will probably just explain the risks and extra appointments that you’ll need. I must admit they scared the life out of me the whole way through my twin pregnancy. I was 35 when I had my twins, was the easiest pregnancy I had had (apart from I was huge at the end and eating anything is hard because you’ve run out of room) and I carried full term and was induced. Try not to worry about all the information they give you, there are risks associated with everything, and try not to let it ruin your pregnancy. Good luck and keep us updated xx

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Rebel2103

Hi thank you for replying. I'll try not to worry, pregnancy is a funny time when you're completely powerless to make it go well. It sounds like you and I have a lot in common, although I'll probably need a cesarean at 37 weeks, well done to you for carrying full term!! How old are your twins now?

Rebel2103 profile image
Rebel2103 in reply to Craftms

Hi, they will be 5 in November, can’t believe how quick it’s gone. I’m 30 weeks pregnant with baby no 8, definitely now more after this, I’m getting too old :) xx

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Rebel2103

8! And I'm panicking over the prospect of 3! My husband would love to have as many as 8 but I'm not sure my body is willing!!! Good luck with your pregnancy, not long to go now xx

Rebel2103 profile image
Rebel2103 in reply to Craftms

I can assure you my body is not willing, I’m really struggling this time, more so than when I carried the twins. I hope everything went well with your scan and your antenatal appointment xx

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Rebel2103

Thanks, but I'm still waiting, the scan is this coming Thursday. I probably won't sleep the night before. Fingers crossed, thank you for your support xx

Georgielouise profile image

I have the extra appointments because of my age(42), I am going back for another 2 scans - one at 32 weeks and one at 36 weeks. The 36 week scan is followed by an hour long appointment with my consultant. At my last one she went through birthing options - as I am considering a c section due to complications at my last birth that led to a c section. Also she went through various other things, checking my blood pressure and all the usual stuff and listened to baby's heart beat too. I should imagine you are having the extra appointments as you are having twins.

Craftms profile image
Craftms in reply to Georgielouise

I'm sure you're right, oh I'm such a mixture of nerves and excitement, it's been a long wait for this appointment, and there's still a week to go! Thank you for your advice and kind words.

Georgielouise profile image

You are very welcome, all the best with the rest of your pregnancy and don't worry about appointments - they can only be a good thing as you get to hear the heartbeat and are told how happy your baby / babies are, well I am always am told that and its very nice to hear....

Craftms profile image

Well, dating scan is in one hour! I am very nervous!! Fingers crossed all goes well, hopefully I'll be able to update us all on what happens at the antenatal appointment afterwards. Thanks for all your advice and good goes!

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