Name worries...: Hi, im expecting a... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Name worries...

suzie_27 profile image
14 Replies

Hi, im expecting a little boy (so excited) we had no ideas for names until we seen the little man on the 20 weeks scan and almost instantly decided hes a 'tommy" and we both love this name. a few things a worrying me over it though....

firstly my cousin who I only ever see at occasions such as weddings christenings Etc has a son called thomas, is this too close related to call ours tommy

secondly my close friend and potential god mother insists that tommy is a horrible name, and its dead chavy and that I shouldn't call him that... Along with other comments I won't go into.

should I worry about what others think or just go with our hearts, Tommy goes well with his middle and surname too which is great!

help :(

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suzie_27 profile image
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14 Replies

I honestly wouldn't worry about what anyone else thinks about the name you pick for your baby (unless you call it something ridiculous like table or shadow or something lol!) If you like the name and feel it suits the baby stick with it! I have my names picked out and don't know what I'm having yet. I've been told by a couple people that the names we have picked are boring and not modern enough....but as long as they don't have to call their child that then I don't see what their problem is. My best friend has a boy called Jamie and I have James for a boy but I'm not worried about how close it is as its not the same! That's the name I like so that's what I want.

Don't worry about others and name your baby the way you want to :-)

scoffcat profile image

Tommy is a lovely name. Go with what you like, try not to worry about what others think. If they criticise, just say "well, we like it a lot". Congratulations!

Neska profile image

Dont worry what other ppl think or say.its your baby and your choice.i love this name.i've got a name for my little girl but some ppl say:what?how do you say it?it gets me so frustrated but tbh i dont care as its my baby :)

He is your baby! Name him what ever you want!! Tommy is super cute and don't see it being an issue with your cousin's son Thomas! My husband's side of the family has 3 boys all each other's 2nd cousuns aged 1-6 called Luca, Lucan and Lucas! Not an issue!!

For as for your friend tell her you have taken her advice and are calling him something else... then tell her a really ridiculous name like mowgli after jungle book (as a wind up...!)

Tommy is lovely x

Numberthree profile image

Before the baby arrives, people remember other people they knew called the same name - and it seems to me that they judge the name based on how much they liked that person! Once your son is here, people will start to only associate it with him. I have a few friends who have called their children names that I didn't like much, but now I can't imagine a better cuter name for them. And Tommy is lovely and cute and great when he's older as he can shorten it to Tom if he wants.

ignore other peoples horrible comments , if the baby was here and some one asked the name they wouldn't turn around and say that's a horrible name , y would u call ur child that ! it really wouldn't happen so y people other than the parents comment on could / would b names is just plain rude and inappropriate . they might think it and its their opinion and there entitled to it if we all thought the same we would all b called mary and joseph !

if u don't c the family member that often its up to u to decide if its too close but my advice would b go with ur hearts , u might compromise ur choice and end up with a name u didn't particularly want and that would make u question ur choice even more . when my sister inlaw was pregnant with my nephew the name they had 4 a boy was Finlay George , he was given it when he come out a boy . her cousin ( who they had talked names with not long b4 ) called her baby the same names about a month later , my brother was a bit annoyed but theres nothing he could do about it and they are not close so it doesn't matter .

my cousin just had little girl and named her Tallulah - we have a 12 year old tarantula by that name and she knows it , It would not b a name I would call my child

audrina- my aunt is called Audrey so think its a name sake , again I don't like it but its not 4 me 2 say

duffy- which is our late granddads surname ,I said I was having as a middle name from early in my pregnancy (although she had hers 1st , she didn't tell anyone she was pregnant till 25 weeks and had baby early, I had claimed it 1st but doesn't matter cos hers come 1st .

by chance we have the same surname our mums r sisters and married in to the same name .

my youngest niece is called isla which was on my baby name list b4 I was pregnant , then a close friend of mine also called her baby by that name so I wouldn't have had it now anyway both babies are coming up to 1st bdays and im due next week . my girl name 4 my son was akira , my boyfriends cousin called her baby kira a month I had him after so I wouldn't then have it as an option now. I liked similar sounding names to isla like Kyra & lyra but decided they sounded to similar as we are close family. i also discounted names that started with the same initial as my sons and surmame and similar sounding ends eg - ...on, ..en but that's just my choice , think we have settled on our name now ( its been hard work and I went off numerous names I decided on along the way ) but not telling incase we don't end up with it . my sons names were set and never changed from the off so this was a new experience to me , my mum still referes to our baby as baby no name ! only the last few weeks I think iv decided and people think iv decided on names and just being coy about it but really I haven't .

go with what u want is what im saying .

mumofone2009 profile image

Hi hun dont worry what others think its yours an your partners baby and if youand your partner like the name then go with it my sisters son is kieron and my cousin has a son kieran it doesnt bother us as we hardly see our cousins child at special events. Me and my partner called our son Leighton and we had .negative comments from members of our families but we didnt care as it was our choicee

CharlotteDavies profile image

You can't please everyone and to honest why should you try too !!! It's your baby and your choice if people don't like it tough Tities :) we're calling our lil boy Cole and people have said what like a lump of coal !? I really couldn't care because we love it !! Xxx

suzie_27 profile image

Thanks everyone , you have all made me feel so much more chilled out about it and the fact I shouldn't worry about what other people think after all we are the ones who will be taking care of him everyday :) x

Ahh a little boy, I am having a boy too, we really liked a name after 20 week scan but now hav changed our minds, think we r going to wait till we see him which is a months time...A name is personal between you and your partner, I personally couldnt give a monkeys what anyone thinks of the names we like...I actually think that your friends comments was quite insensitive and not a comment I would expect from a friend....both our parents hav made comments about the choice of potential names and all I say is that when they were naming us did they appreciate negative comments and hav told them that its not their child anyway . naming a child is your decision so don't let anyone put you off a name you like and for the record tommy is a cute name. Xx

Armywag profile image

This is one reason we are not telling anyone our choice of name for our daughter; it is such a personal thing and not everyone will like it. Now someone not liking it will not put us off but we want to keep something a surprise for everyone. My close family are the only ones who know the first name (2nd & 3rd name we are keeping to ourselves). As for your cousin's son being called Tommy - in the not so long past, first borns were often called after their parents. My mum is a Margaret like her mother, maternal and paternal grandmothers, cousins and in-laws.

Tommy (Tom or Thomas for that matter) is definitely not chavvy; it's a classic name! Some of these ridiculous modern names are chavvy but for fear of sounding like Katie Hopkins, I won't say them :p (Chardonnay et al) ooooooops it slipped out haha x

Sod them all! And CONGRATULATIONS! :D

If it makes you feel any better, MY potential Godmother choice said to me (when I rang to tell her I was pregnant): ''Congratulations, your life is over'' !! :S

seh303 profile image

Tommy is lovely :-) Not at all chavy. Dont listen to what your "friend" says although I guess she is entitled to her opinion. Thomas is completely different. Congrats xx

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