Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool in this heat wave 🥵 Been in the 💯’s here in Idaho. Poor Rozy was outback asleep on the lawn when sprinkler’s kicked on 😱 that will wake you up 😂 Dealing with dizziness still but pushing through it. Figured it out my neck disks have gotten worse and putting pressure on my spine and pinching a nerve 😖 Nice to know but still sucks. Going in the 26th for cervical spine injections 🤞🏼 They talked about surgery but not excited about that, but not completely out of the question, will see. Time to get feeding tube replaced and pain pump in a couple of months. What a great decision pain pump was and is🙏 Sorry I know I need to check in more often I could make excuses but that’s too easy. Been staying busy with AA went to women’s prison last night was a good meeting 👍🏼 Several appear to be trying to change their lives and others are there just to get out of cells. Oh well maybe they will hear something that might change their life. Also been doing recovery centers and those are always good meetings as most of them are trying. Gives me something to do and gets me out of the house 👍🏼. Have a wonderful day and stay positive 🥰
Good Morning Everyone 🥰: Hope everyone is... - My MSAA Community
Good Morning Everyone 🥰

Good morning to you too 🤗 Kenu .
Sorry you’re still dealing with neck issuesbut at least you know what’s causing it. Hopefully you’ll find relief after the 26th.
So glad to hear your pain pump works as well for you as it does me!!! I’m so happy to have mine & I walk better too ( lovely side-effect) My whole life changed for the better- can walk w/o pain; do housework, shopping etc… it’s a game changer! So happy I Finally got mine.😊
Oh, poor Rozy, but thanks for the morning laugh! It's good to hear from you. If your meetings are anything like your messages on here, then you're definitely reaching people!
Good morning. Kenu! Poor Rozy. That must have felt a bit random to her! But I suppose even dogs have WTF moments. 😊
I'll share some of what I've heard over the years with my neck. If anything helps you, great; otherwise just ignore it! I have degenerative disks in my neck, too. I've been getting injections for years. Nerve blocks every couple of months, and then an ablation, which lasts longer. Not gonna say my neck doesn't still hurt, but it's manageable. I have to go see a surgeon because a brilliant neurologist at a fancy university told me that surgery might help with all the spasticity in my neck and shoulders (which I still have and hurts quite a bit despite botox injections), as well as some of the crazy sensory leg symptoms I had at the time, which have thankfully gone away since. Hopefully you won't need surgery!🤞 Often, they use shooting pain down your arm as a criteria for needing surgery, but narrowing of the spinal canal can keep you from walking when you're older if it's bad enough. So I have to see a surgeon, but I am extremely wary and skeptical.
I'm so glad that your pain pump is helping you. Good luck with the replacement of that and your feeding tube.
I'm really inspired by your outreach for AA. You are touching so many people who need it!
Take care and thanks for stopping by!
God to hear from you! Sorry you are having to deal with all the pain Keeping busy & helping others is always a good thing glad you are doing it.
Good to see you!
Good to hear from you Kent! Leslie
Great to hear from you - made my day!! 😀

You are always on my mind, and you are an inspiration to me, Kenu 🤗 Thank you for this post!
i really can relate with the owl ....good one ...the grass was problem cool but the terrlble wake up call from sprinkler is not funny ,i bet it really scared her but when she goes back out the grass will feel so good ...so glad to that you are still around here ...was really worried and so were others...sure hope that can get the dizziness to stop with out surgery ...pain pump sounds great ..can a person take too much meds for the pain when you have one of them ????? take care and be safe and so glad you are helping so many more people ,may it always be filled with happiness ...lots of laughs....take care ,stay cool ...this heat wave has to stop ...well i sure hope it does ..
Oh Dear Kenu, ths heat pressure is aweful. my hours are backwords just because of this heat. Dizziness....do you have a sinus issue or is it just because...I was out for a solid month not being able to stay upright...you certainly give us all happiness and hope. I want you to know that...we love you dude!
jackiesj is right!
Great to hear from you!
Glad your pain is ceasing even. If just a little. Glad you are keeping busy! lol at Rozy & the sprinklers! Poor baby
Good morning Kenu. Nice to hear from you and Roxy. Missed your posts always brighten my day. Sorry to all the problems you’ve been having. Take care stay cool.
Great to hear from you!
Kenu, your spirit and compassion for others while you continue to press on is a true testament of the strength of the amazing caring person you are!!!❤️Love and Respect my Friend. NeeC
Kenu, good to hear from you! So glad you're keeping busy with your work with others. I hope you get some relief in your neck. I'm glad Rozy is doing okay too.
Good to hear from you. You do so much for others as you deal with your own health issues. You are an inspiration.
Good Morning Kenu! Poor Rozy! My old dog would love to fall asleep in the back yard in the sun 💤But his old bones need something more comfy to lay on (or am I just spoiling him?). Plus it is super hot here in GA too and I would worry about me forgetting he was out there and him overheating. 🧡
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