It’s 5 o’clock here and haven’t been to sleep. Had an hour nap yesterday and that’s it. Going to be a long day ahead as I have things I am committed to for Thursday 🥱Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm🤞🏼My furbabies will be ready for breakfast about hour and half, ugh 😑 Don’t know what’s going on but this last month my sleep habits have gone south without me 🤬 The things we deal with. Went to neurologist yesterday and looking at MRI’s to see if we can figure things out. Been couple years since my last one’s, will see hopefully. Hope everyone enjoys there Thursday with good health 🙏👍🏼😉🐾🐾
Good Morning Everyone 🤪: It’s 5 o’clock... - My MSAA Community
Good Morning Everyone 🤪

Same here! It is 7 am and not a wink of sleep. I grow weary of not sleeping. Last weekend I went 50 hours without sleeping. Finally, decided to double my sleep med and very gratefully slept for 12 hours. My primary care is sending me to a Sleep Clinic. Been down that road twice before, and those places do give me stronger meds. I take 15 mg Restoril and it does not phase me, but 30 mg will. Doctor said I am too old (75) to take the 30 mg, but if I don't get some sleep, I know I am headed toward dementia. Let me know if you find better results. I try melantonin and chamomile, and Calm powder, but nothing helps. Hope you find an answer. If I have another MRI and it shows more lesions, I still need something to help me sleep. Neurologist said I am too old to try anymore DMTs to help miserable symptoms. We will endure our very long day, hopefully without too much irritability.
Craziness we have 🤪 My eyes 👀 are tired but I am wide awake. Fed furbabies and having coffee ☕️. Even if the MRI shows anything new I am same boat with no more DMT. Hopefully figure something out for better sleep 😴. Really gets old. Hopefully you have a great day 👍🏼🙏🐾🐾
I am having a sleep study tomorrow night so will hopefully get some info about the root cause of my sleep trouble. The sleep doctor and I are pretty sure it isn't sleep apnea based on my weight and neck circumference being normal but you never know. I just wake up many times and don't stay in deep sleep long enough to feel rested.I tried Trazodone but it didn't help. Lunesta works much better but I didn't like the idea of taking a sleeping pill every night and worry if I did the effectiveness would decrease over time.
I will let you know if the sleep doctor provides any insight that may help you as well!!
Praying your MRI looks good and your sleep returns to normal 🙏🙏🙏
I hope the mri’s show no new lesions and that you sleep well tonight.😴
Good morning ...I always wake up from my bed at 5 : 30 and doing my regular workouts. This will makes me more strong and joy.
I understand how exhausting having no sleep feels. I pray you sleep better tonight.
Keep us posted on your MRI results.
Hope you are able to get better sleep tonight.
take care i can't function much without the sleep careful ...hope all works out for you...relax ...good luck
Gosh, Ken, I am so sorry. This is torture (and in fact, forced sleeplessness is torture). I know you are a dog lover, but can you catch a cat nap or two? Even a few minutes sometimes takes the edge off.
I have days (so far) like this with intermittent insomnia. I find it all too easy to get into a sort of cycle that starts when I start feeling a little drowsy in the evening, get ready for bed, get into bed...and whammo, I'm wide awake and feel anxiety rising in me as my thoughts begin circling like buzzards over road kill: will I fall asleep? Oh, no, I can't fall asleep. Darn it, stop this, just go to sleep. On an endless replay loop, with the result that the more I fret, the less likely I am to fall asleep.
I read for about an hour before sleep. I'm in bed so all I have to do is set down the book. Then my mind is off life and on the story.
That's a good idea, thank you. I've suspected that when I wash my face and brush my teeth before undressing and putting on my nightgown that these activities somehow stimulate my brain and push away the drowsiness. Maybe if I do that before reading at night, that may help.
I’m sorry you’re having problems sleeping. I seem to go through several months of waking up at two or 3 AM, and then things normalize for a while, and then they go back to the early morning awakenings. I hope you can find some solutions and that the appointments with your neurologist go as well as possible .
Oh no, that's miserable 😩 I hope you survive the day ok and get some rest tonight 🙏
I sleep to much! Twelve hours (if I don't have to work) works for me. Still tired all day, though.
I hope you can get some sleep good luck!
i hope your mri results turn out well. i'm with you. i recently discovered the only sleeping pill that's ever worked for me... but, i forgot when my ataxia returns, i feel like i'm dying and can't sleep. once it's all the way here, i'll feel fine, but look horrible (walking). at least i'll be able to sleep again.
ah, the other day my cat woke me. then he went in another room and went to sleep.
😡 love him anyway, lol.