MSAA presents a new webinar to help explain dramatic changes in health insurance:
"What Happened to My Co-Pay Assistance? How Co-Pay Accumulators are Affecting You!"
Thursday, January 31, 2019
8:00 pm (Eastern)
Register at:
With the updates and changes to US healthcare laws, receiving rebates and subsidies to help pay down on your prescription medication may be in jeopardy. A recent change to health insurance coverage, known as the co-pay accumulator, may prevent people from applying prescription assistance programs toward their deductible or out-of-pocket maximum. Not all prescription drugs are affected by co-pay accumulators, but for those impacted, the costs could rise dramatically.
In this one-hour live webinar, learn more about this concerning issue by joining us and the experts at Avalere who will explain what's behind co-pay accumulators and how they impact your out-of-pocket costs. You will also have an opportunity to pose any questions to the panel of experts at the end of the webinar.