Is everyone having a huge increase in their pain due to the heat? It is 101 degrees here today, has been unbearable for weeks. I have noticed that my pain which is always such a joy to live with, has gotten totally unbearable. I am using a cooling vest, staying out of the sun, staying hydrated, but gosh I just stinking hurt everywhere. Anyone else noticing that correlation? Any advice welcome. Love to all, Kelly
Oh the pain! : Is everyone having a huge... - My MSAA Community
Oh the pain!

Well maybe not the pain, as I don't have any pain caused by MS, but the various symptoms get a lot worse. Climbing stairs goes from difficult to almost impossible.
I’m glad you’re doing everything can to beat the heat! Mine isn’t from heat 🤷♀️ It’s not terrible, but I wake up with it sometimes.My walking speed is slower in the heat though.
Well, I went to the doctor this morning, which is a very rare thing for me to do, only to be told, there is nothing he could do for me. He increased my pregabalin, but I try not to take it during the day as it makes me sleepy. A wasted journey, but as to the heat, definately slower, lethargic, and to sit in this heat, I know it’s only 80* in the uk, but that is hot for us, with a heat pad wrapped around the neck, because the pain gets a little hard to bare. So I am with you on this one. We don’t have AC like you guys. Hang in there Kelly, hugs Jimeka 🤗🤗🤗
jimeka I am sorry your dr. could not help you. I didn’t know you don’t have ac there. Is it because it is unusual to have high heat? I will be praying for you, as always. Love, Kelly xx
Yes, it’s very unusual for us to have such high temperatures and no rain. The lawn is all scorched and it would soon catch fire, they are talking hosepipe bans soon. It will start raining next month, then won’t know when to stop. Hope that your situation is getting a little more bearable. Big hug, Jimeka 🦋 🤗 🍫 💐
Yep, Kelly i do notice pain is increased in the hot,hot humidity & air, it's now both my legs, saw my neuri. Today & i love her, she offered me to get on Some type of cbd oul, or cream for the pain, she's so underderstanding bout me not wanting any RX. WOW!💜💙💛❤😻😍Blessings to U!---Jazzyinco
Heat is a real problem for me. Fatigue, energy, balance, neuropathy, and spasticity get worse. I’ve only had relapses in the summertime.
Does a cold bath work for you?