I am a 77 year old woman with PPMS since 1995
ppms: I am a 77 year old woman with PPMS... - My MSAA Community

jimmpt hi and welcome. There are a few of us on here with PPMS. You might be able to shed some light on the disease , I have only known for 8 years that I have it, so it's very much a learning curve. Here we laugh, cry, vent, share medication tips, crafts, interests, feel free to join in, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈
I would be happy to join and answer any and all questions. I am donating my brain, spinal cord and stem cell to the MS hospital here in Cleveland hoping it can help find reasons for MS and the inability to help patients with the disabilities. Since I am being cremated it only made good sense. While I had my husband we too joked, laughed and made light of me. It was great and he was te best possible person for someone with a disability I hope all people with MS are that lucky it sure made it a lot easier.
May I ask what disabilities you have encountered. I know ms affects us all differently, but I am nearly 62 and having PPMS I wonder what is in store.
I am lucky for most of mine have stayed below my waist. I have no control over my bladder or bowels, have severe leg cramps, tremors in my legs sometimes. No ability to walk without a cane or walker, have no balance and do fall occasionally. Cannot walk any great distance. Some days I have no sense of taste which is nice if what I cooked did not come out so good. I just started getting a lot of tingling in my hands and am loosing a lot of strength in my hands, I am grateful I am still mobile, that my mind is good and that I am not giving in, MS is not going to win
Hi jimmpt nice to meet u i have RRMS but is apparently very active. My MS nurse is recommending iv Tysabri for me. Just have to have my bloods done next Tuesday. Very nice to meet u xxxxx
Nice to meet you also, good luck with the new treatment and stay positvie, you can win this battle.
Thank u jimmpt u are amazing xxx 😊😊😊
Welcome 😋
Hello jimpt, and welcome to this wonderful chat room from Fancy1959. You have found a safe place to come and ask questions, voice concerns, or simply speak to others who truly understand. As you will soon discover this chat room is full of some of the most caring, kind, and compassionate people I have ever met. We're only a post away so the more you post the quicker will get to know you and you know us. Until we speak again please take care and remember together we are stronger. I look forward to speaking to you soon.
jimmpt , welcome to the group! Love you attitude!
thanks for the welcome
Jimmpt , I’m babslover6907 I don’t get on this page as often as I should but I enjoy reading the comments people are sharing and if I can support in any way I will. Here’s a silly joke. What did the wedding cake say when the bride and groom came into the reception , nothing they were all in tiers 😂
How do you deal with this for so long?