I'm writing this because I was looking for a community in which I'd be able to share feelings of being in love with someone who has MS and I'm hoping this is a safe place. My husband had a flare up May of 2023 and I feel like he's only gone down hill since then. I feel selfish because I miss him and all the things we would do together. He hardly ever leaves the house now and we never even got to have our honeymoon and it's looking like we never will. (Married two years this coming January) I try really hard to be there for him and it seems to upset him that him being like this hurts me. Like, to a point where I feel physically ill because seeing him like this pains me so bad. I try to hide my emotions from him but always seem to fail epically because he has been real emotional and apologetic since he's started getting sicker. I don't know a whole lot about MS but I've tried to do my research and look up life spans and symptoms; what flare ups are like, etc, but I feel like I'm already grieving him even though he's not gone yet? Also, has anyone had experience with MS causing dizziness and fevers? He's been having those symptoms for over a month now and the regular doctors can't figure out it, I was curious if his MS could be causing that as well. I'm sorry this is so long and feels like I'm whining, I'm just at such a loss of what to do and I'm tired of crying/trying to talk to people who don't understand. Thank you if you took the time to read all this.
MS Spouse: I'm writing this because I was... - MS Society
MS Spouse

hi and welcome! Cool name! To get to the point and answer your question: no. Not to me. I have had horrible headaches. I have not experienced dizziness and fevers. Sometimes it can cause me to seriously overheat and that may feel like a fever? Regular doctors are of no help to me. I see an MS specialist who has helped. I would try to find an MS specialist if yous don’t already have one. Also, MS doesn’t take lives, it’s a cruel joke of a disease that makes everything harder. Congratulations on your marriage! I hope yous have a long happy life together and you’re doing great trying to understand this nonsense! He’s lucky to have you!
Hi and welcome to the group your welcome to ask questions but maybe going to a neurologist appointment would get you more info
Stick by him, he needs your support. You sound like an amazing loving wife! He’ll get through this. I wish my ex husband was just as kind.