I have had nuero symptoms similar to MS for 5 yrs now. My nuerologist has done numerous tests but cannot figure out what is happening. He swears you cant have MS without lesions showing up on a brain scan. I understand this can be a hard diagnosis to make and often get it wrong. I will be seeing an MS specialist soon. I get what I believe are MS flareups every 5-12 months. I get fatigue to the level I cant leave the house and can barely make it to the bathroom. This usually lasts about 2-3 weeks than slowly starts improving until the next attack. Even between flareups I cant work as much as before and have trouble with balance and general coordination.
Can you have MS without having lesions show up... - MS Society
Can you have MS without having lesions show up on a brain scan
Hi. I sense your frustration. I too had much difficulty getting a diagnosis. I had brain surgery for a tumor that popped up. About 6 months later I started having seizures. I was recommended to a neurologist and all the testing began... About a year later, he finally found some legions on my brain. I was sent to the Mayo Clinic twice and then to 2 other doctors for verification. That was in 2014. He started me on Ocrevus and the legions went away, and have been gone ever since. I've since switched to Kesimpta and love it! My disability has gotten worse, I can't walk anymore and believe it or not, my neurologist says he STILL isn't convinced that it's MS. I kind of like that because at least he's honest and he doesn't try to Medicate me for everything. At one point and time, I told him I didn't want to continue treatment, of course then he didn't agree with that. I thought if you don't agree with the diagnosis, then let me go! I can figure it out. But he and his assistant both refused to let me go as a patient. I said all that to say this, you know your body better than ANYONE. How you feel is how you feel. If you feel like you can continue with treatment, or without, don't let the doctors TELL you how you feel, you tell them. If you need more clarification, don't hesitate to look around for another opinion. Sometimes, like my doctor, they really don't know what's happening, and if your doctor is honest, they'll say that. My doctor believes I have a lot more than just MS happening, but he'll tell me at every appointment that he's still not sure, but we continue treatment because it does improve my quality of life. Plus, I'm getting a scooter soon!!! Haha!