Daisy-May : Has anyone had the spring Covid... - MPN Voice

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Daisy-May profile image
51 Replies

Has anyone had the spring Covid Booster

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Daisy-May profile image
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51 Replies
Swede profile image

Yes I have.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Swede

Thank you for your reply much appreciated 👍

Ratton profile image

Booked next vaccination for next week- it'll be 6th one

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Ratton

Oh wow 6th one mine will be my 4th thank you for your reply much appreciated 👍

Inclement profile image

Had my 7th yesterday - Sanofi this time so adding to the Pfizer/Moderna cocktail! Usual tenderness in upper arm overnight but so far feeling fine. I did wonder whether it was unnecessary until a close friend and her husband succumbed a couple of weeks back along with 4 others in the same dance class and were really wiped out by it. She is now negative but feeling weak still. Luckily I hadn't seen her in the few days previous. I just feel that bit more protected now.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Inclement

I was unsure about having the booster but reading your reply yes definitely will feel more protected this will be my 4th thank you for your reply much appreciated 👍

Nellin profile image

Hello Daisy May,

I had my 7th Covid vaccination last Saturday 15th April. So far, 3 Pfizer, 2 Astra Zeneca , 1 Moderna and the last one was Sanofi VidPrevtyn Beta.

I have not had Covid……..yet.

Kind wishes. Nellin

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Nellin

Oh wow 7th Covid vaccination this will be my 4th I haven't had Covid best to have the booster wasn't too sure at first thank you for your reply best wishes Sue...

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to Nellin


I've not heard about the new Sanofi VidPrevtyn Beta. It could be a good upgrade. It might work better than the ones we've been getting:

"The hypothesis is that a Beta variant protein recombinant vaccine could enlarge the protection against the variants by overpassing antigenic imprinting and the adjuvant improve the duration of immune response and protection."


Imprinting is a big problem where the body gets stuck on its response to the 1st vax or infection and can't respond well to vaxing against new variants. Hence repeated boosting is less effective than expected. This link is a trial that will compare it directly to the vaxes we've been getting so far.

But it's not available in the US.

Nellin profile image
Nellin in reply to EPguy

Hi EPguy, thanks for the link and information. I had only read a few small snatches about Sanofi, that it contained an Adjuvant similar to the one in the flu vaccines, being given to people in the UK who are over 65yrs.

Most GP surgeries don’t know which vaccine they will get until delivery and we do not get a choice. I had previously reacted badly to the Moderna vaccine so was glad to avoid the issue of refusal.

Blood Cancer UK has some information regarding Sanofi.

Thanks again, kind wishes, Nellin

EPguy profile image
EPguy in reply to Nellin

I've seen before that NHS does not allow selection. Strange since there are many who have good reason to select as you do. We can choose, but unfortunately not that new one.

I know from bad vax reactions, you can see my extreme example in posts, it was a Sanofi flu vax, but without adjuvant.

AndyT profile image

Not yet but I’m booked in for it next week. It will be my 7th and having had Covid recently for the first time and mildly, I’m keen to keep my immunity up if I can.

Barbados19 profile image

I booked online last week using the NHS booking system to have the booster done at my local chemist. Subsequently the chemist called me to say the criteria for this booster was much stricter than before and that taking Hydroxycarbamide did not qualify me this time. So it was cancelled. I don’t mind. I am 62 and have had Covid once, a while ago now, which was not pleasant but I’ve had 5 vaccinations and am trying to keep myself fit and healthy.

HoundSept2022 profile image
HoundSept2022 in reply to Barbados19

Crumbs. I had my invitation yesterday and booked for 12th May. I now know I may get turned away. Thanks for the heads up.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to HoundSept2022

Your most welcome hope all goes well 🙋‍♀️

Inclement profile image
Inclement in reply to Barbados19

I am surprised by this development. I booked mine on NHS site too and had it at local pharmacy. I took my Hydrea box with me to prove eligibility, but he said no need, I have it all on my screen. He asked whether I was taking BP meds, which I am, but no problem otherwise. I shall be 75 in 2 months' time, so possibly that was taken into consideration, but otherwise it will be interesting to see if others have this problem .

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Inclement

It seems to be a problem getting the vaccination done at the pharmacy

Swede profile image
Swede in reply to Daisy-May

I did mine at a pharmacy.He just said "I can see you are younger than 75, so why do you want this?" I said I have MF and that was ok to go ahead then, he said.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Barbados19

I'm going to book on-line at my medical centre which I've always done I'm 69 this year not had Covid yet... This will be my 4th vaccination

Rem31 profile image
Rem31 in reply to Barbados19

I believe your pharmacy is wrong on that. Maybe best to contact the MPN clinic treating you for their advice.

Bluesloth1 profile image
Bluesloth1 in reply to Barbados19

That is interesting. I booked online and have mine at the local pharmacy next week. To be honest I’m in two minds about it due to other cancers I’ve developed. At least I’ve been warned if I get turned away thank you.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Bluesloth1

I haven't booked mine yet hubby has had a text message to book for a Covid vaccination but he hasn't a MPN or anything he's 68 can't understand why

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Bluesloth1

Can't understand it hubby's had a message for a Covid booster he's 68 and hasn't a MPN or anything else strange 🤔

MWxxxx profile image
MWxxxx in reply to Barbados19

I'm sorry you were turned away. The information you have been given doesn't fit with what I was told. I am on Hydroxycarbamide and have my spring booster booked for next week. I've always had my previous vaccines at big vaccination centres so was a little concerned about having it this time in a small pharmacy. I didn't want to get turned away so I rang and spoke to the pharmasist and he told me that there is no specific criteria for immunosuppressed . If the patient states they are immunosuppressed that will be sufficient and they will give the vaccine. He told me that there was no need for me to bring evidence. I do know that household contacts do not qualify this time so in that sense the criteria is stricter.

Barbados19 profile image
Barbados19 in reply to MWxxxx

The pharmacist did also ask me if I had been sent a text asking me to make an appointment for the vaccination. I hadn’t received one so wonder if this had any bearing on the decision. I think I will call my consultant’s secretary so she can find out for me if he recommends it.

MWxxxx profile image
MWxxxx in reply to Barbados19

I'm not aware of anyone getting a text. I certainly haven't and my in laws who are over 75 haven't either. I have looked a few things up for you - sorry I don't know how to share links but if you google covid green book chapter 14a - it gives all the JCVI guidance. Page 30 is titled JCVI Advice for 2023. It advises that the spring booster is given to individuals described as immunosuppressed as defined in tables 3+4 in the document. If you scroll through and find these, they are the same tables which allowed us to have the 3rd primary dose and the additional boosters. So, the same criteria as previously. MPNs appear in both tables but are not listed specifically which is why maybe your pharmacist missed it. We would come under: history of haematological malignancy, receiving immunosuppressive therapy and those who require long term immuosuppressive treatment. Whilst a pharmacist may be an expert on drugs, they don't necessarily know why you are taking them. Did you mention that MPN's are acutally blood cancers? Sometimes you have to say the exact right thing - it's just knowing what that right thing is in that particular circumstance! It's a bit of a minefield. I was nearly turned away for a previous booster because the clinical lead hadn't heard of hydroxycarbamide. Eventually she googled it and went "ahh that's want I was looking for: it's a chemotherapy drug". I hadn't thought to tell them that!

If you need additional evidence go bloodcancer.org.uk/support for you/coronavirus-covid-19 and click on How to get the vaccines you're entitled to. There is a section there about the spring booster which lists people with blood cancer being entitled to it. I just think it's the same old story of professionals not recognising MPNs as blood cancers. I hope you get it sorted and I am keeping my fingers crossed for my booster next week - I'm not going down without a fight though!

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to MWxxxx

Thank you so much for your reply and the information I've always had a text for flu jab and Covid vaccination and booked online to have it done at the medical centre gonna see how it goes 😀

Barbados19 profile image
Barbados19 in reply to MWxxxx

Thanks for looking into this for me. I have decided to pop into the pharmacy with all my paperwork and speak to them again.

KentBee profile image
KentBee in reply to MWxxxx

Hi, I had my 7th vaccine yesterday. I am 72 and, as advised on NHS booking site, took proof with me, my latest letter from Heamatologist which shows JAK2POSITIVE ET and taking Hydroxycarbamide. The vaccinator did read the letter, checked on my age and gave me the vaccine. I found booking on the NHS site very straightforward. Good luck.

jointpain profile image

My wife, being in Wales had her appointment sent by post two weeks ago for the 18th of May.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to jointpain

That's good mine was sent via text message 👍

mhos61 profile image
mhos61 in reply to Daisy-May

I’m having mine on Saturday, also invited by text. Will be interesting to see which vaccine it is this time. I’ve got comfortable with Pfizer!

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to mhos61

I'm having mine a week on Saturday I'm not sure which vaccine it is I'm the same as you I've always had the Pfizer one

ETket profile image

I’ve had a text from the GP saying that they will be organising them soon. So, I was not entirely clear whether I’d be elegible. I am also losing track of which number jab it would be - fifth?!

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to ETket

Finally got booked in for my booster not sure if this is my 4th or 5th same here lost track 🤔

KentBee profile image
KentBee in reply to Daisy-May

Hi, if you have downloaded the NHS app you can see your Covid vaccination record on the site by following the links.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to KentBee

Thank you I didn't know that I'll download the NHS app.. 👍

Exeter21 profile image

I was offered it but not taken it up . I had Covid after all my previous vaccines & now on interferon been fine despite being amongst people close that had it & children .

ChillyAsh34 profile image
ChillyAsh34 in reply to Exeter21

I was invited to have my 6 th on April 24 th I have declined ,I have had covid been fine 5 for me is enough

Exeter21 profile image
Exeter21 in reply to ChillyAsh34

yes I made same decision as my hubby is healthy has had all jabs & still got it. Seems overkill on the frequency these vaccines are pushed into arms & lots of friends getting long reactions 👍

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Exeter21

It is a worry having all these vaccines especially when you can still get it 👍

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to ChillyAsh34

I think this is my 4th don't really want anymore after this thank you for your reply much appreciated 👋

gilded profile image

Hello! Had 5th today. Vid Prevtyn Beta booster. No probs. Am in UK. Administered by pharmacist.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to gilded

Hello I'm having mine on the 29th April at the medical centre.. I'm in the UK glad you had no problems.. Best wishes 🙋‍♀️

Minu68 profile image

had it yesterday, Pfizer this time, slightly sore at injection site but otherwise no side effects so far:)

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to Minu68

That's good no side effects I'm hoping for the Pzizer one 👍

mhos61 profile image
mhos61 in reply to Daisy-May

Hi Daisy May, just to say I had the Pfizer yesterday. Slight achy feeling, but that’s all.

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to mhos61

Hoping mines the Pfizer one glad you had just a achy feeling 👍

amhann profile image

hello Daisy-May - yes I had the booster -Pfizer- this week (took myself to a local walk-in centre) - I’m happy to have any + all on offer, though I totally understand that many feel they have had enough (especially if they had adverse reaction - I have had no problems. Anne-Marie x

Daisy-May profile image
Daisy-May in reply to amhann

Thank you for your reply Anne-Marie I'm happy to have the booster I've been OK with all the others I've had just a aching arm.. Daisy-May x 👋

GK40 profile image


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