"Devotions upon Emergent Occasions" - BMB result... - MPN Voice

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"Devotions upon Emergent Occasions" - BMB results are in - PV confirmed not MF

ilovetoastwithbutter profile image

Hi folks. Just to let you know I got a Grade 1 result and confirmation of PV not MF as feared. For now at least.

Will wait to see Prof Clare in April before jumping to any partial conclusions but feels like good news.

Here's what I shared with friends on Facebook, which was a source of support while waiting. The last month and then 24 hrs have been tough, but ce la vie.

Meanwhile, back into the healthy living to see me through, give or take the odd wild night ;-)




"Devotions upon Emergent Occasions"

Yes, a celebratory post to say results are in and I'm likely to be around for a fair while yet!

Just had a beautiful call with Graeme Sutherland to grok them together and consider life beyond. It's here to live hey.

Polycythaemia Vera confirmed, not Myleofibrosis for those tracking the technical stuff.

I love my work as a coach and facilitator so much, and one of my greatest fears was that I wouldn't be able to complete what I feel I'm here to co-create.

Not surprisingly then, our conversation turned to new projects, including the UWC Alumni Coaching Project - and I'm right back on it!

This morning I'm off to coach the amazing artist Kathy Allam, who it has been a true honour to serve.


Then I will be sharing some taster sessions for new potential Human Bells.

But first, it's bikini on, and down the beach for a swim to let our beloved Indian Ocean wash it all away.

Thank you for your love and support. There are not words for what that means. Just my bone marrow being deeply fed.

The road ahead is not entirely smooth for me or any of us hey, but together, we can do it.



"No Wo/man is an Island"

No wo/man is an island entire of itself; every wo/man

is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;

if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe

is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as

well as any manner of thy friends or of thine

own were; any wo/man's death diminishes me,

because I am involved in wo/mankind.

And therefore never send to know for whom

the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.


Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

- John Donne

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ilovetoastwithbutter profile image
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3 Replies
socrates_8 profile image

Well done Libby... :-)

Excellent news, and just adore your bubbly disposition but just don't overdo the party-time ok? :-)


PS. Love the the sketch above too... ;-)

ilovetoastwithbutter profile image
ilovetoastwithbutter in reply to socrates_8

Thanks Steve, yes I really haven't had the party spirit in me of late. Gut trouble and tiredness. Off for Venesection now and hoping that's doesn't through me. Hope you are well over there.

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to ilovetoastwithbutter

Hoping that you feel a tad more chirpy after your treatment Libby...

Keep smiling always...


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