The National Migraine Centre has great fact sheets about headaches and migraine on their site. Here are the topics and link to some of those. Complete list below:
What is Migraine – types and symptoms of migraine as well as an introduction to treatments.
Migraine: How to live with it – this looks at what migraine is, which are the most common triggers and gives you some advice on what you can do about it.
Migraine Triggers – the best way to prevent and effectively treat migraine is to address your triggers. These range from irregular sleep patterns to dehydration, but most share a common theme – routine!
Food and migraine – sets out the key points about food (and drink) and
Migraine, menopause & HRT – explains how hormonal change can trigger attacks and what can be done to prevent
Menstrual migraine – what is menstrual migraine and how is it
Migraine and contraception – explains the relation between different contraceptive methods and migraine.
See all here: