Hi in the past 2 years I've suddenly developed silent migrains ( mainly aura) sometimes followed by headache. I can have non for weeks then 3 auras one after other in same day. Does anyone else suffer in a similer way? Xx
Silent aura: Hi in the past 2 years I've... - Migraine Support
Silent aura
I was diagnosed with silent migraine in my 30’s and never had another migraine till 7 years ago! I have had 9 MRI scans as they thought it was a mini stroke! For years I was on clopidgrel and statins!
I then had what I thought was a stroke and was admitted to hospital where they said I had covid! Later an arrogant consultant said it wasn’t a stroke it was a complex migraine! I have since had migraines with auras when driving! My GP has stopped statins and clopigrel! They had tried 4 stains! The first one caused me to have neuropathy!
Now I am on a different medication for diabetes and cholesterol!
Metformin and statin caused my liver function to go sky high and were stopped after three months!
I was labelled bi polar many years ago and was told I had to take valproate
That put stones on me hence diabetes!
I stopped taking that medication 7 years ago and am nearly the weight I should be!
I am trying to get diabetes into remission and get off medication!
The pharmatheutical industry are making billions out of people taking medication! All medications cause side effects! I trust my GP!
Yes, I developed silent migraines in the last year. Mine seem to be triggered by lyrica. A medication for restless legs. They seem to have lessened after a while but I still get them periodically. One of the reasons listed for silent migraines is getting older. I'm Now 70. But then I know people who get them and are much younger.