Do you feel that your doctor helps yo... - Myasthenia Gravis...

Myasthenia Gravis Association

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Do you feel that your doctor helps you understand your condition?

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3 Replies
Jackie-2124 profile image

I have done more to help my GP to understand than he has for me.

2penguins profile image
2penguins in reply to Jackie-2124

We've had the very same experience, apart from the fact that the doctor didn't diagnose my partner. I was forced to read up on it and it took me 9 month to find out what the problem was. In all that time no medical person had any idea and had previously put it down to Bells Palsy. Once I diagnosed it, both the GP and the neurologist said the same thing "That's what I was thinking". What, after 9 month, or more, of doing nothing, and going through what we now know was a Myasthenia crisis and being sent home without treatment?

2penguins profile image

Considering I was the one who diagnosed my partners MG despite the Dr not doing so even after a minimum of 9 months of it, I'd say no, he and the NHS certainly haven't helped. The specialist then put her straight on to 60mg Prednisolone, which I wasn't happy about but we took his advice, and she ended up in hospital on a drip and eventually being fed through a tube. They dropped it to 40mg and added Pyridostigmine. Within 3wk she was down to 30mg and another month down to 25. I'd say she should have started on low dose Pred and worked up, or Pyridostigmine alone. The immediate high dose of Pred caused her to be unable to eat, drink, swallow and even breathe without some trouble. And they're paid how much???