Who do you feel listened and helped y... - Mental Health Sup...

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Who do you feel listened and helped you most?

chloe40 profile imagechloe40107 Voters
Your GP
Your Counsellor
Your Therapist
Your Psychiatrist
Your Community Psychiatric team
21 Replies
Capaldi43 profile image

Mental health services in my area are terrible so are mind and rethink but my gp is excellent she sees me twice a week

coatpin profile image

The mental health team let me down saying they would call back, when was feeling on the edge, Gp was good, but when I disclosed it was my previous gp who mentally and sexually abused me , she said she would support me, if I decided to go to gmc, What a joke, she didnt even put it in the notes, all she put was memory loss. So there was "not enough evidence" then when I asked her, why ??she said " you should be over it by now"!! It did happen once it happened for 8 years, not giving meds to my very sick daughter unless I ,,, you can guess. I lived in fear and terror,. So she protected her own to carry on to abuse more vulnerable single woman with kids. I will never get over it, because he wasnt brought to justice, she failed me! I have lost my family, my kids, who just dont understand why I just dont get a job!!!

carlypan profile image
carlypan in reply to coatpin

I'm so sorry x

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to carlypan

I just heard that shes ill, and hope she recovers,the nurse who was taking my blood and doing my blood pressure said "they miss her",,, I thought to myself if you only knew, hes now a psychiatrist, guess who he sees,,,, vulnerable woman.

Only like them, I was thinking "who would believe me" hes a respected doctor, a psychiatrist!!! who am I???

just like i did. I found out by my notes he tried to get my kids into care, because he was at risk,,,,, of being found out!!! in Oxford!!!! there was a "case conference at the park hospital, where his "friend" psychiatrist was heading the meeting!!!

I hope this gets to the women of Oxford, in case it maybe is happening or have happened to them, whether it happened 10 or ,20 30 years ago, please come forward, an abuser just doesn't just stop! you see, its like a illness, a compulsion they just cant stop, they are very cunning, and charming and believable.

I hope they write in, and maybe ,,,, finally,,,, My story can truly be told, and to protect others!! like I was, a young beautiful 20 year old slim, who was very vulnerable, trusting naive . who had no family support.

carlypan profile image
carlypan in reply to coatpin

It's such a sad place when the worst of the worst get away with what they do and innocent people suffer for ever...hugs xxx

cda1947 profile image
cda1947 in reply to coatpin

If that happened in canada - report it yourself to the police - they wil l do something.

carlypan profile image

None of the above...unfortunately!!!

cda1947 profile image
cda1947 in reply to carlypan

carlypan - dont give up - report it NOW - that shrink should be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to cda1947

The trouble is, depression, they gp and alike , its like,,,, is she telling the truth, the fact I trained for seven years to be a counsellor and trained by counsellors she refused, the gp, to sign a document, to verify I was who I said I was, and that to witness the documents, she was the only person who knew me for longer then 3 years,,,,,, so she stopped me being able to work as a counsellor, who was being controlled by meds, and stop this stigma,,. Even though, I went through, and got the qualifications and it taken seven yearsssss of my life... they both should go to prison as far as Im concerned.

naturelover1010 profile image
naturelover1010 in reply to coatpin

It deeply saddens me that such abuse goes on & pray you find the emotionally healing you need.

You are really really strong to have hit this far & persevered in qualifying to become a counsellor!

I just hope that you can find the strength again to "whistle blow" to the GMC or even go to someone like the BBC news team that could perhaps find other victims to make a documentary/story on.

The abuse is more than likely going on & other being put through what you went through.

There is also the Police who can take up your case to investigate. You could email it in to Crimestoppers where you remain anonymous.

It needs to be some organisation outside of the medical field to look into this.

I would also suggest you go to a charity set up for sexual abuse cases, as they can signpost you to the correct places for further help.

I hope something from the above helps you to get to a better place emotionally than where you are now.

Huge hug & luv,

B x

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to naturelover1010

I have retrained again, and thank you for what I could do, I was thinking of writing a book with all in there to teach other counsellors and other working bodies what to look out for, in these cases, often a person tells a story, by their behaviour or symptoms, before they ever speak out.

There is always symptoms, behaviour patterns. on both sides in fact. I did go to the gmc, it was recorded, so if any other people come forward, then he will be very worried., but because the gp never put it in the notes, (at the time I trusted she did, little did I know). He got away with it, this time.

But what they found was oddities, in his note keeping big gaps, some admissions to hospital, high turn over of staff, I could describe his home, details about his wife, going away on vacation to see her family, details like a patient wouldnt know. His wife left him, I found out but she must have known, I was telling the truth, maybe it wasnt the first time. But he married again and had further children. While my life, was struggling to sleep, and had nightmares, sleep walking. had trust issues with men, and with authorities and people, locked myself away, couldnt leave the house, didnt feel safe. ect.

I re-trained, to do housing developments, with the right strength of meds and a seasonal effective disorder lamp, Im going to enjoy my successes , make some money, and live life as I wish, in the warmer country I hope. Just enjoy nature, the flowers.

Because Im a survivour!!

Thank you once again. x

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to naturelover1010

Thank you I have, anonymously, as I think maybe just maybe, they might, as I said to them which is true, an abuser just does not stop one day. Its in them, just like a pedo is unable to stop! They develop as time goes on, and they get addicted to the excitement, its like a drug, they need it. The warning pointers are, he had a high turnover of staff. Was he "funny" with other staff? Was there other "pretty" patients with notes with big gaps in. He must,,,,,, have done it to others, Even now!! The risk of being in control and in charge, and getting found out. When no one knows. There will be a pattern!! you just have to look to find it.

He used to shake physically, it only takes another person to mention that, as he got excited, in that way, to link the two together!! as credible witness.

So may I say thank you, Nature Lover! you gave me some empowerment.

I told a man called kingsly, (a very black guy) that used to work at the park hospital for children. in Oxford. Also Christopher Graham, who was my fiancee. They could have tried to find them?! but they didnt.

The Gmc failed too, he had good lawyers. I think it is so wrong, He and his solicitors, are able to read everything, even my diary's I wrote, over the years. Jean Robinson she might have passed by now, she used to sit on the Board of the Gmc. Said, these perpetrators, are very clever, and cunning. She said that, other doctors even put beauty spots on their bodies, so that when the woman said "oh he had one near his belly button" in court, but when they search him, there was not one there!! She truly believed, he did that, so when he was searched, there wasnt anything there, he would be let off. Which is what happened. That poor lady!!. That is the worst thing, not being believed. But then, I had to think, in this way. He knows the truth, and I do. I would pass a lie detector, test.

Clazzy78 profile image

My GP is great. She knows I research before I see her, and I feel she values my opinion. I feel we work well together to find the best course of action for me. I feel respected and listened to.

It makes a big difference when you feel you are being listened to. Also, I think you're more likely to comply with treatment and attend follow ups if needed.

You cannot underestimate the value of an excellent GP.

fattybumbum1965 profile image

My GP did next to nothing apart from suggest counselling but couldn't refer me to anyone.

My daughter sought out help for me and arranged the initial referral.

naturelover1010 profile image

I have no resident gp at my practice left & planning to move practices, after my PIP application is over, so they are quite useless.

I have suffered depression since 14 years old & now 35, spending the vast majority of the time on antidepressants.

During the last 2 bad episodes I found the most useful was the Pschologist that practised EDRM (think that how it's abbreviated). It helped overcome the "block" caused by being raised with parental domestic violence. The second was a counsellor who taught me it ok to "live you own shape" i.e. You can't live your life trying to please everybody & tear yourself up by doing it. Instead, recognise that a decision should be made that best suits you & realise it will make some happy & some upset.

I'm now in a third period of bad depression but feel like a robot/numb/level 0 all the time, due to being on antidepressants. This time due to my Dad passing over 3 months ago & living with the fact he told me, his favourite daughter was my sister, to me! Strange that I've only been able to cry once for less than 3-4minutes & that I cried more when my cat died - really :-/

Now I hope that someone at the mental health can help.


Clazzy78 profile image

It is so sad to read some of the stories here. It is bad we all take pot luck with our GPs (in UK). Like I said I feel lucky to have a good one.

jennifer1983 profile image

I have a wonderful psychiatrist - However, she is very expensive and doesn't except any insurance. But she calls me back within ten minutes when I need her. She's extremely intelligent , and very insightful and highly knowledgeable on psychiatric medications.

Hamble profile image

I voted for GP, although the psychologist I saw recently was quite good too. He's left now though.......

Fi68 profile image

Well the results are very telling, community mental health services are obviously not fit for purpose. It would also appear that GP's are plugging the gap that has been created by cmht's being rubbish. My GP is excellent, my cmht appallingly bad, so bad I went private for a diagnosis with a consultant psychiatrist. After four years of cmht's rubbish involvement, I finally have the correct diagnosis and am getting the correct treatment.

StressBuster profile image

They should have also put "Yourself" on this list. Thinking deeply (ruminating) about your life, about decisions you've made and stuff you've witnessed, can offer powerful insights about yourself that can relieve depression and make you feel a sense of control of your life. ;)

sliverofsilver profile image

It’s unfortunate that such a majority of people feel they have received more and better help from people like the GP or school counsellors rather than proper local mental health community teams.