Are you more aware of your Depression... - Mental Health Sup...

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Are you more aware of your Depression when you are alone at home or .....

chloe40 profile imagechloe40151 Voters

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32 Replies
Blueshirt profile image

That's not to say I am not depressed when I am not at home. Depression strikes anywhere, anytime. But when one is at home alone one thinks about everything more.

Delzek profile image

Although I prefer to be alone I do notice if a friend or family member. calls me ,I always feel down afterwards! One of my Brothers David and one of my Sisters Cathy seem to make me feel good when talking to them though! The question is difficult because its not a fair question, I dont get depressed all the time nor do specific events cause me to be depressed! What makes me depressed or triggers an attack (thats what it is "an attack") today may not trigger an attack tomorrow! I am not good at expressing myself nowadays but I think I have been clear on how things affect me Personally, I don't believe depression can be pigeon holed as different people are affected in different ways sadly too many shrinks and so called professionals try to do that at the expense of the person who they are supposed to be helping! Sorry but these are my Honest opinions! !

kiwibutterfly profile image
kiwibutterfly in reply to Delzek

Totally, some people drain you, some people pick you up and lift your mood. It's the latter you need to try and be around more if possible.

Buckethead profile image

This is the time I am most at home to mr grumbly.....

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to Buckethead


ladyTina profile image

Depression Has never gone away, always feel Alone and nobody understand fully how Me or Anybody feels inside. To me I'm still in a Black Hole never get out of it. Counselling I have had few times, hard to go back my Depression is deep!!

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to ladyTina

then you need to up your dose, or change your drug until one is found that lifts you, often gp dont realise, or give us much direction on this. They should be educated more on the subject, and you should be monitored each month, not just left to cope on your own. not enough is done I found. I was left for years. To try the next drug, you should be given blood preasure tests, and also liver and kidney functions on a regular basis. I bet no one realised that!!

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to coatpin

I was having pains in the front of my head most day's. I couldn't see my normal Doctor system has changed. But one Morning I did he did do a blood Pressure and it was 161/98 Done Another one and the same Arranged for a blood pressure Monitor 24 hour to be Fitted, O My word every 20 min's going off all day. Night time was worse. Reading showed I suffer with high blood pressure, but on a small dose, then after 3 weeks dose was put up...Amlodipine. Head is much better still have check ups. Nothing els has been Monitored. Been on sertraline since 2012 started off on 50mg, then 100mg, now 200mg the last two years. I've been to counselling but never get to the second Appointment no body has never phoned to ask why???. Better to have some one come to my home.

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to ladyTina

It is up to you to make the appointments, otherwise they would be chasing people all around the world.

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to coatpin

I do talk to my GP. But....I get to my first session and can't go to the second it's all too much Anxiety kicks in, sweating, Palpitations...How do I get somebody to my home? Do you have an Answer to help me

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to ladyTina

Hi do you have a friend or family member who could take you or I wonder if there is a voluntary organisation who could pick you up. I would phone Citizens Advice if you are in the UK-I will try and look back on my posts.

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to mysmugcat

No to Family. Friends I have are busy in the day I'm Afraid :(

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to ladyTina

Sometimes these symptoms can be because your not on the right dose. Or not on the right drug, so if hell come water you have to find a way to go, just imagine, hes going to get all theses symptoms to stop i you go!!

darkshadow profile image
darkshadow in reply to ladyTina

My counselling experiences have been hopeless. The first session was never repeated. I was just left to get on with things. Three weeks ago I filled in a form and posted it to them. I have heard nothing since then. I don't know what's the matter with them but they have been no help to me at all. I'm going to lose my temper with them if they ever contact me again.

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to darkshadow

Yep I agree with you nobody bothered to follow me up ask why. I have told my Doctor about this but nothing. No wonder people go further and take there life. I tried twice 18 months ago and no follow up after they think your fine.

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to darkshadow

So sorry to hear this. Some are useless. I've had numerous counselling.

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to coatpin

Dr s reluctant to change my meds. whatever I say.

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to mysmugcat

Change your doctor, dont for get he gets paid for you to see him, if the service your not getting isnt up to standard find someone who will listen,,, this is your life, and he is only general practitioner,,,, not specialist in mental health. Do some research on the drugs your taking, and see what withdrawal is like, ?? see what dose you could go up too, or look at others of the same type and suggest most strongly

jennifer1983 profile image
jennifer1983 in reply to ladyTina

Don't give up hope !!! I was depressed for 3 years and could not even function. It was so bad that I couldn't get out of bed. The only thing I thought about was dying, For three years I tried one medication after another and combinations of medications until I found the combination of medications that worked well for me but it did take a long time.

Are you on any antidepressant medication ? I know that some people say bad things about antidepressants but for me and many people antidepressant medication has saved lives. Hang in there and tell yourself you will get better because, you will.

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to jennifer1983

H.i No I'm not on any Antidepressants. Only sertraline for depression. I hate life I have tried many things but it does not help. I NO YOU HAVE TO HELP YOURSELF. I don't need to be told that but its very Difficult especially when nobody no's your History or back ground on here. And it's nice to no people on here do care + Understand.

jennifer1983 profile image
jennifer1983 in reply to ladyTina

I care and I totally understand and feel so much compassion for those who suffer from depression. I have had depressed off and on my entire life starting at the age of 9 - I wish you all the very best

mysmugcat profile image

All the time and the loneliness of it all even with others at work etc.

coatpin profile image

My daughter has just told me shes getting rid of dead wood, meaning me, that she says we all love you, (hang on Im dead wood??) how does that work?? My heart is breaking, that as a mother, who has given her all my time and help, now I feel totally unwanted, unloved, some how Im thinking is it me?? I know she has a split personality disorder or so they say. But she has been treating me as though im shit under her shoe. Everyone just says, get on with your life, which of course that Im doing. In a way its like shes changed over night, and I have lost my best friend. But also I brought up her two kids, which I got or at least, spent a lot of time cleaning their rooms, and painting decorating and trying to keep an eye on them, as she would never leave them with food. Which shes giving this persona of someone who is so nice, and she wouldnt possible do that. For years shes said why dont you take them and I looked after them if they was sick because she didnt want to "look after them" I love them like my own kids. and tried to help like a granny would, reading them stories when they went to bed, or bathed them. one of the kids gets picked up at weekends so she hardly sees them. Now she has blocked me, me out of their lives, She said , I liked to be useful.

I did it coz I loved them.

She doesnt seem to care, that they might be missing me, just because her bow dont like me, and doesnt want me around, thankfully hes now working, so he cant bully them. So now they are having family therapy.

Im on the bridge of tears, all the time, So does that mean that my drugs need upping?? Shes always made comments , I just ignored her and just thought she was having a odd moment. She said she gets rid of people who are no longer useful. So I didnt realise one day it would include me!!

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to coatpin

So sorry to hear that. Are you talking about her partner/husband? I don't know if he is maybe abusive and encouraging her to cut you off. Perhaps she is finding it hard to help you at the moment. I hope time is a healer cliché as that is. She may come round.

jennifer1983 profile image

When I am depressed it is with me night and day every minute and every second of everyday with no relief. Thank God I finally found a compensation of meds that works for me. I was depressed for 3 years and was almost giving up hope of ever getting well again. I was in hell for 3 years and it was horrible.

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to jennifer1983

What meds to they give you? My Sertraline was put up to 200mg they dont seem to have much Effect.

coatpin profile image
coatpin in reply to ladyTina

venaflaxin Im on 150 my daughters on 350mg I think. I think you need to try something else, I was on ciltilipram and when they changed the, manufacture, I went down hill, so you have to watch out for that, the brain is finely tuned. I was on 60mg, but went down to 40mg because of palpitations anxiety, and ect,,, so it needed changing. So might go back,,, to it when my body gets used to these,, but palpitations have continued, but said I was so low in iron, that might have set off the palpitations as was half of what it should have been.

mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply to jennifer1983

Glad to hear that.

darkshadow profile image

I am depressed but suffer far more from anxiety. I also feel like throwing things around.I get bad tempered and frustrated.I have little energy and my stomach bothers me a lot. I don't know what I want to eat as nothing appeals to me. Then I feel nauseous and headlight. I cry a lot until I can't cry any more. The sobs wrack me to the core until I can't cry any more until the next time which is often the same day. I am so lonely but nobody can reach the spot that hurts so much.I just don't understand myself so don't expect anyone else to either. Why? Why?

ladyTina profile image
ladyTina in reply to darkshadow

I have both It's Horrible. When people say pull yourself together they are the ones who don't understand. My next door neighbour has got me appointment this morning I'll see how that goes. I do have osteoarthritis I have knee replacements, thumb replacements. Parents fell out with me!!! A lot of issues. I cry my self a lot, scream why me!! So I no how you feel but no no body is listening to us ARRRRRRR.

darkshadow profile image

After 3 attempts I finally was given the correct number for counselling. Got a huge apology for how I've been treated over the last year. Have an appointment next Wednesday but have to go to doctor's surgery for it. The last time was at home.I don't hold out much hope of improvement as all the things they tell you to do are impossible for me or increase my stress level too much. I'm only going so that I may not have to go on antidepressants again. That I dread.

Whatsthepoint profile image

I said when I'm not occupied but it's more then than all the time. Does that make sense?