Summer Holidays - What affects you? - Mental Health Sup...

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Summer Holidays - What affects you?

Action-On-Depression profile imageAction-On-Depression219 Voters

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43 Replies
Maggiet profile image

As well as depression I have numerous health conditions that seriously affect my mobility. So seeing people go for walks etc in the summer weather makes me even more down. I know that is selfish and I don't want folk to not enjoy themselves, it's just I remember how I used to be.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Maggiet

Oh Maggiet that's very understandable. Do you have someone even

To. Take you out and visit you.



Maggiet profile image
Maggiet in reply to Photogeek

Not really Hannah. I have folk I meet up with and I do voluntary work that has enabled me to make new acquaintances. I work part time too, so it's not that I'm stuck in. It's just that I moved to Scotland 4 years ago from north Manchester with dreams of being able to go country and seaside walks in safety, but I can't do that now. Take no notice of me, I guess I'm just being selfish and maudlin - Sunday does that to me! Back to work tomorrow so that will keep my mind occupied. Thank you very much for your kind words. Xx

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Maggiet

Me too Maggiet :( I now have AF which makes me extreamly breathless even after walking a few yards, I also have cronic water retention which is very painful. When I was young I was a keen hill walker and back packer and my dog and I would go many miles up into the hills. I would pack a picnic and we would be gone from early in the morning untill dusk wandering over the local heather hills ! Nowadays it is a serious undertaking for me to get as far as the local shop for a pint of milk and a loaf of bread :( I don't drive so have to rely on friends to take me to the supermarket once a week, which I hate doing :( Like you I find I get jealous of people who can just pop down the street and never give it a second thought ! :(

Maggiet profile image
Maggiet in reply to LittleAine29

I so feel for you. I too used to cycle and walk and would think nothing of mowing both lawns, cleaning the car then taking the dog for a walk. Now it's hard work just to get upstairs. I try to be positive and have my 'front' I put on at work, but inside I feel desperately sad for what I have lost the ability to do. A colleague who has CFS sees a specialist pain psychologist and I'm going to ask to see one at my next pain clinic appointment. It's a shame we don't live near each other, we could arrange to have a coffee. Try to stay as strong as you can xx

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Maggiet

If you want to friend me on Facebook look for Elaine Sutherland, a lady of leisure growing old disgracefully ! I have a picture of a large polarbear on my timeline, I love bears of all kinds. At least then we can have chats and try and cheer each other up :) X

Cheryl2 profile image
Cheryl2 in reply to LittleAine29

Love to be friend on face book I'm Elaine Hallam Derbyshire .littleaine29.x

kazzy51 profile image
kazzy51 in reply to LittleAine29

I am a newbie to this group and ive just been diagnosed with af also last two weeks have been hectic for me...I suffer also with depression n severe pain of ostearthritis in my knee and I cant walk far at all with out getting breathless. I.m goin on warfarin also and I.m bit hervous

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to kazzy51

Hi Kazzy, Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I have good days and bad days. Today is not a good day :( it is payback time as I have been out a couple of times this week and must have overdone it again ! I was out visiting with a friend on Wednesday, then I went for a long walk to the local shop ( long for me anyway, about a mile ! ) on Thursday, This took me an hour and a half and nearly killed me :( Then yesterday I was out again to get some shopping. I find I have a few good days when I can go out. Then I have a couple of bad days when all I want to do is sleep or play games on my computer. I'm on warfarin too :( All this started for me last November when I had a collapsed kidney caused by a blood clot on my right renal artery. I was in hospital for 9 days on a interveinous drip of hepron after that they put me on warfarin and sent me home. I was staying with my friend who was looking after me until I got better and I was doing OK. I went for a blood test and they said that my blood pressure was very high so the doctor put me on a beta blocker ! BIG mistake :( it put me all wrong and set me back to square one ! I have stopped taking it as it was giving me all the side effects but not doing what it should ie to reduce my blood pressure and heart rate. It has left me with AF as well ! I get so breathless which in turn brings on massive panic attacks and depression, I also have cronic water retntion in my legs which is very painful. Some days I just want to wrap myself in my blanket and sit in a corner and howl I feel so misarable and fed up :( They offered me a cardio version at the hospital and I was pinning my hopes on that as it is supposed to get your heart back to a normal rythum and stop the breathlesness. I received a letter to say sorry they can't do that as I have water retention so it is not suitable for me until I get rid of it. I have had it for 20 years it is mostly worse in summer, so I think I can forget that then :( The only other thing they offer are the betablockers :(

Hope you feel better soon. As I say I lurch between good and bad days and just have to put up with it, so long as I get a few good days then I can just about cope. Take care and keep in touch XXX

Cheryl2 profile image
Cheryl2 in reply to Maggiet

Hi maggiet I suffer with depression it makes you feel so lonely i am worse in a morning plus I have breathing difficulties I feel the same when people are going for walks.cant motivate myself at the moment anyone any suggestions.

Chriskay profile image
Chriskay in reply to Maggiet

I know how you feel. I used to be such an active person but now I am very limited in my mobility. I too do not deny anyone happiness in going out and on holiday but it's really upsetting sometimes when you think that that is something that you can't do anymore.

We can't afford holidays or expensive trips out and haven't been abroad or had a two week holiday for 7 years. All our friends go away for wonderful holidays and visits and it breaks my heart that my children don't get to experience it. I am disabled and can't go for long country walks or play sports. Just makes me feel worse.

vince profile image
vince in reply to

xx big hugs, Its like being on a different planet we can see all the fun but only from outside looking in, I hope things improve for you and yours.

in reply to vince

Thanks Vince. Hope things get better for you too.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Oh I'm sorry about that. I think on e your. Hidden have a happy

Home with you and love, they will survive without expensive Holidays.

I know there is a lot of peer pressure about. ,plenty of families

I know do t have holidays either. Since the Recession peoples

Budgets are strained. Please do t feel bad about it.


in reply to Photogeek

thank-you, I'm sure lots of other families struggle too. We do baking and watch DVD s together and visit family and those are good things.

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to

In the school holidays my mum used to pack sandwiches, home made buns, a bottle of squash and a story book into a rucksack. we would take the dog with us and be gone all day. She read stories to me in some amazing places. In a corn field, beside a river in the bull rushes, up on a common heath, on the beach and in the woodland, all had their own magic. These were simpler times in the early 1960s. before mobile phones. My dad was a mechanic and he converted an old Austin J2 police bus which he bought at auction for £25, into a camper van, it had a small gas cooker and a tiny kitchen sink. My mum made blue cushions and curtains for the windows out of a cheap remnant she bought on the market that matched the navy blue colour of the bus, it looked very smart :) I had a cosy little bunk bed up front and my parents folded down the couch bit into a double bed at the back, the dog slept in the drivers seat ! Many miles we traveled in that bus all over the UK. not just in school holidays but at weekends too. It was our second home :) Happy memories of a time now long gone :( X

in reply to LittleAine29

That sounds like a very happy childhood, with some wonderful memories:)

My grandma used to say memories give us roses in December.

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to

Try introducing your kids into the simpler things of life like picnics. I'm sure there must be somewhere that you could go ? Even if it was in your own garden. I used to baby sit for a family that never went anywhere together. I used to organise mini treasure hunts with sweeties. In winter we did it indoors and in summer we were in the garden. We built a tent den out of old blankets etc. and lit an incinerator bin for a camp fire ( it was before chimeras became popular). Dressing up in old clothes is another good idea, maybe even write and perform your own little play and invite all your friends to the performance. All good clean fun and it doesn't cost the earth :) X

Maggiet profile image
Maggiet in reply to LittleAine29

I think the thing to hold onto is the good memories we have from past experiences, despite knowing they won't happen again. I too used to disappear for the day, also the 60s and were such happy uncomplicated safe days. I have been a police officer and seen and done things others don't even want to think about. I have 2 fantastic sons and daughter in law and 2 wonderful grandchildren whom I love to bits. I am now 58 and really feel useless most of the time, but I'm so glad I have had an interesting life so far and, like you, have happy memories. Hold on to those memories and enjoy the things you did even though you cannot do them again. Be kind to yourself. PS I loved how you told of your childhood - I was there with you! Have you thought of writing a children's book? xx

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Maggiet

Hi Maggiet Yes that is one of the things on my to do before I die list ! But my life journey is taking me along another path just now. I have recently inherited some money and I am going to buy my dream house, the first one that will be truly mine and not shared or taken over from someone else :) I have seen it and it is waiting there for me. Just some legal matters to sort and then I can buy it :) They seem to be taking forever but I will get there in the end ! In the process of inheriting this money I accidently found out at aged 54 that I had been adopted as a small baby. No one ever told me a single word about this in all those years and they have all passed on now so there is nobody left to ask. Once I have my home then the next step on my journey is to find out who I really am. It is all very interesting. I want to be in my house for Christmas and I am doing a visulisation meditation in which I was shown an amazing christmas tree, so I know I will be there by then :) If you want to friend me on Facebook then we can keep in touch and I can let you know how I get on. Elaine Sutherland A lady of leisure growing old disgracefully. Large polar bear on my timeline you can't miss him ! X

MaggieMaybe profile image

I used to love summer before I lost my husband. We went on holiday in Europe twice a year, went for long walks, short country breaks. He died suddenly seven years ago, I now have back problems and can't walk far, and suffer anxiety and depression. I am alone, have no family I'm in contact with, no close family, and my only friends are a married couple who have very different interests to me. It's no fun doing everything on your own, especially when you feel that once you were part of a couple and are surrounded by couples. I find it difficult to make friends, have always needed to get to know people before I can relax with them, and now I am becoming a hermit. I would love to go on holiday and tried to three times. A long weekend in the UK was a nightmare and although I booked European holidays twice I panicked so much I was incapable of travelling. My mood improves as the days get longer and warmer but high humidity exhausts me. So I both love summer and hate it, hating it because high humidity is usual here, loving it because the sun is shining and there is so much life around. I would love to go on long walks as I used to but I'm no longer able to do so and walking alone of necessity is no fun. Summer is bitter-sweet, bringing back memories if good times in the past but also reminding me of my isolation and how many things I used to do but am incapable of now due to medical conditions.

Cheryl2 profile image

I am not great in summer because I can't walk far and it makes me sad because I use to love walking plus it does help to be out side and exercising with depression.

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Cheryl2

I am in much the same boat Cheryl. I have AF which makes me breathless. I used to be a keen walker when I was young and my dog and I would walk many miles over the hills. Now I can barely walk a few yards without getting breathless and having to stop and rest. It is awful and makes me really fed up at times :( How did we get in this mess ? I wish I knew :( XXX

Cheryl2 profile image
Cheryl2 in reply to LittleAine29

I wish I could do the things I use to do my friend says I have never accepted my breathing problems but when I use to be so active walking it's ok for them to say they don't know what it's like.i wish I could walk over the hills with youLittleaine29.xx

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Cheryl2

That would be lovely, maybe one day when we both get well we could meet up and go for a hike ? Is it AF that you have ? It is a horrible thing. It's not just the breathing but the panic attacks and the cold shivery feelings that I get. One of my friends has it too and we have both had a really bad bout over the weekend :( X

Cheryl2 profile image
Cheryl2 in reply to LittleAine29

Mine is anxiety panic attacks copd I thought retirement was going to be great but I can only walk in short spells before I'm

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Cheryl2

Hi cheryl12 , I have two friends with that also, one keeps better than the other.So sorry that you can't walk far with it :( I seem to have a couple of bad days then a couple of good days time about ! Sunday was a day from hell, one long panic attack all day :( yesterday I felt slightly better. Today started a bit shakey, but I have felt better as the day went on, only one slight panic episode and I have just had a nice nap wrapped up in my blanket on my couch :) tomorrow I have managed to get an appointment with my favourite doctor which is a miricle as I was told I couldn't see her for 5 weeks :( then she got a cancelation and has agreed to see me :) Answered prayers :) X

Cheryl2 profile image
Cheryl2 in reply to LittleAine29

How did you go on at doctors keeping my fingers crossed had a better day even did my ironing .been to do a bit of shopping with my friend she drives I don't so it's good to be out .xhope yours littleanIe29 is better tomorrow

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to Cheryl2

Hiya, Got on great at doctors she took me off the betablocker so I feel better already. Yesterday I managed quite a long walk down the town and I was well chuffed with myself ! Today I got a taxi and was at a fete, not long home. Just

taken my shoes off and made a nice cup of tea X

trisha1234 profile image

Because I HAVNT seen my own kids in four years and to be surrounded by other peoples being happy devastates me

090465 profile image

i get so bad tempted over the daffs little things I don't know why I am so stressed

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to 090465

Try taking a herbal stress relief pill, they are helping me :) it is a Tesco brand one i take and you get 3 for 2s on all their vitamins etc. which is a good saving. I also take a herbal sleeping pill if I want a good nights rest :) X

I have lung problems as well as depression but I can still get and walk though nowhere near as fast or as far as I could. The sunshine improves my mood no end while making me feel tireder. I am on my own but enjoy taking my sisters dog down the beach etc. I have too many friends who are in couples and take off without giving their single friend a thought. I do find myself thinking you might be single one day then you will find out what it is like! xx

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to

I'm lucky in that respect as most of my friends are divorced singles like me, so we tend to go out together either in twos or as a group. I also attend a mental health drop in centre which is very good. Have you thought of volunteering ? Maybe in a charity shop or something like that, it is amazing who you meet and make friends with. I ran one for four years to fund our drop in centre, it was brilliant fun and I made loads of new friends. I am a bit of a dealer and collector so I was in my element there and picked up some very nice pieces for my collection on the way. Sadly we had to close down in 2009 as we weren't making enough to cover the rent on the shop and the government cut back on our drop in budget. It was either the shop or the centre had to go :( so we closed the shop. The centre is still going strong though ! X

gardengnome profile image

- ---- too much time on my hands to think

My friends all going away - my husband has renal failure so we have to stay home and I get lonely :(

LittleAine29 profile image
LittleAine29 in reply to

I had a blood clot on my right renal artery and that is what kicked off all my problems ! The treatment for it has given me AF :( I hope your husband feels better soon. A herbalist friend of mine advised me to take a tincture called Solidago to help my kidneys. The doctor said that my right kidney wasn't working at all and my left one was only at about 60%. Then I started on the solidago :) My left kidney is now working on 85% and my right one at 18% even though the doctors said it was dead ! He won't beleive how I did it without his help, well I don't think they are allowed to say anything as the big drug companies own them :( You will get solidago in Holland And Barratt and good health food shops, it is made by a Swiss company called A.Vogel. The staff will give you advice on it. It is well worth your husband giving it a try. It tastes awful at first but you get used to it and I quite like it now :) especially when I know it is doing me good ! Keep in touch and let me know how you get on. :) XXX

No holidays yet for me. Has been to busy to go away

thrillseeker profile image

Well I feel like I am here but feels like it's not my life... I have depression and I have had this for many years I have been brought off the medication many times and soon end up back on it I have been given some new meds to take also for constant pain as doctor said sounds like nerve pain witch he believes is from my accident, I also suffer with confusion and and people look at me as if I am not all there.

Although the summer months have past and it's not as warm I still find that still too warm I don't like been too warm, when I go out I have to have someone with me I find that I can cope more easily and I don't feel as bad as I would if I was on my own how ever i don't like leaving my house due to not liking been out with others I don't know I get very nervous and my speech seems to get mixed up I also freeze and also take my time in choosing or making my mind up about what I need or want but that also makes me self contious I hate how this has made me feel and what to be left alone because I am a difficult person to talk to regardless because I got knocked over at age four and I spent 3 months in hospital I know I was put on life support machine because I got my medical notes from my gp as I wanted to know what had happened to me because I wasn't getting the truth from my family now I know I know why I have been a bad apple as they say not a very nice person what with anger and self control I see how people would think I am not worth the time but I suffered a massive brain injury frontal lob damage and on the left hand side and right hand side to more near the back of my brain.... Pushed for years to get a job and not knowing what I was doing now I still don't know what I am doing or why I am writing this because the reading it is going to be just as hard to understand.

avawilliams profile image

Love, love, love the Summer time, happy days!!

Titaniumman profile image

Too hot and humid for me. I love the fall and spring. Its 34 degrees here in NY USA. Im still going out in shorts as long as i have a sweat shirt and maybe hat. As long as my back, neck and chest are protected I'm fine

I haven't been on holiday with my family for 9 years and I love being abroad as you can create a whole new life for knows you or judges you like the common faces around my local town. I like the feeling of the warmth and the relaxing sense of soothes my constant anxious tension built up inside me. I just wish I could go more often.

I am 16 living in the UK and aspire to day hopefully.