What does 'Spring' do for you? - Mental Health Sup...
What does 'Spring' do for you?
find light at the two equinoxes can kick of a mourning response so get quite down
However, do really like seeing everything coming back to life and hearing the birds, smelling the blossom and the promise of butterflies once I get past the equinox
much better now that the clocks have gone back but a few weeks ago I can remember feeling quite relieved when we had a dull morning
I love Spring, the longer days the light. I love to hear the birds singing as if
To say time for another chance at life. It's like being reborn, I love it as I
Feel lighter and more alive.
The weather improving actually makes me feel worse sometimes if I'm on a real down as I then feel more guilty about my own feelings than when it dark, windy, raining etc and everyone around is fed up of the winter and miserable weather so I can hide/blend in more with others general feelings that I can't always do when the sun comes out and everyone gets busy in their gardens etc
I do feel a sense of life renewing itself and I do generally feel better. Then I feel very sad because it seems everyone else has lots to do and lots of people to go places with and I don't. It's like a waste for me. I see families out a lot too and I haven't got a family so that makes me sad and pensive as well. It's got better for me taking my sisters dog out so at least I can get out in the fresh air and sunshine and I usually find a few folk to chat to. It makes me feel more a part of the human race!

So you do have family - you have a sister! Can you get a pet of your own? I find it wonderful walking in the park with my dogs and chatting to strangers. You can share so much with strangers. It's like having free therapy. Remember there are always people better off than you and there are always so many more worse off than you.
At the moment one great big pain
Prefer darkness and winter - maybe because the majority tend to be more upbeat in summer, but I'm not, so it all feels a bit false. I also react very badly to heat, I find the cold refreshing, but heat feels stifling and lethargic.
I do genuinely think the world looks more beautiful in the winter. Maybe because I think it's a more honest reflection.
I start to feel better.
I like the blossom and the river when its quiet. And the sneaky little crocuses (croci??) and daffodils that grow in random little clumps around trees. I like the baby ducks too When I do actually leave the house to walk the dog lol x
It gives me a boost, but I'm down again in no time.
I prefer winter. I don't have to make up excuses not to go out then.
For me it's about the light - if there is bright light I am reasonably ok even if I feel lonely or bored, but on grey dull days I can feel low even when I have things to look forward to or that I enjoy doing.
I love spring - and while it does give my mood a lift, it doesn't change tjhe facts of life. Also, it makes me wonder if I will still be here to see the next one.
Spring reminds me that the year is half way through ...... and then I feel like time is passing me by