Hi I’m very lucky to have survived bacterial meningitis. Still in hospital as developed secondary acute reactive arthritis and been unable to use right side of body but improving slowly. Suffering a lot still with bright lights, sounds and loud noises really upset me. Very emotional and have a constant ringing in my ears. Just wondered if anyone else in the same boat? xx
Bacterial meningitis survivor - symptoms after - Meningitis Now
Bacterial meningitis survivor - symptoms after

Hi Zengal, I’m a similar survivor of sepsis meningitis having been discharged from hospital only about four weeks ago. The worst of my sepsis arthritis was in my ankles and left elbow and only by persistent stretch exercises am I able to keep the problem to a minimum now. I too was very emotional in hospital (well irritable, if I’m honest) despite not being as photosensitive as yourself. I am lucky to have survived and to have great support from family and friends. I hope you are similarly supported - you will need plenty of rest whilst your brain and body recovers. Browse the posts in here - you are not alone. Keep us all posted.
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I am very drained. Lucky to have been given a side room at the end of the ward which is quieter. I now have ear defenders which help when I need to move around the hospital as loud noises are very distressing. Had a successful day with OT & physio. Been fitted with a knee brace and took my first few steps with crutches ☺️
Hi Zengal, the advice from Gnugoo is spot on. Your recovery will take many months so don’t rush anything or expect quick results. Let your brain and body recover as mentioned. I am 8 months into my recovery and like many of us, was lucky to survive this brutal and serious illness. Getting your sepsis arthritic bits back into action will take time also. My left ankle and wrist was seized up but are working reasonably well now even though I still have to exercise them every day to relieve pain and maintain usage.
Stay positive and focus on getting better and setting realistic goals. It will be frustrating but be determined and you will get better, and don’t forget to rest! Take care and good luck with your recovery.
Thankyou so much hawkeye777 this fills me with hope. I count my blessings every moment. Took my first steps yesterday with the support of a knee brace and crutches. Was liberating but exhausting. Rheumatology team are happy with my progress and so are the infectious diseases team. Desperate to be home with my family where I can fully recuperate in my own environment. Being in these 4 walls in isolation is very hard when a lot of demons creep in my head. X
Hi Zengal, the demons will go especially when you get home. I was in hospital for 7 weeks and climbing the walls, but the worst is over. Being at home helps enormously and then comes the hospital appointments etc but most of them will probably lessen after a few months. I found the whole thing a very emotional experience especially as you want to be strong not only for yourself but for your family too. On my last day in hospital I let it all out and felt much better for it.
Let me know how you get on?
Zengal I got bacterial meningitis exactly one year ago. And my ears roar. Bright lights still bother me. And a ton of other things. Sleep was the Biggest issue. Now I sleep better. My nerves are shot and I have pain.
Hello Zengal
Wish you well with your recovery, I was admitted to hospital for a 2 week stay with bacterial meningitis on 20th February.
Glad you got a side room like I did, I’m sure it helped a lot and at least I could choose not to have the lights on and curtains closed all day. But I did have to stay in there as I was put in to isolation.
We’re all lucky to have survived, all I can say is rest and let your body and brain recover from what it’s been through.
I like most have struggled with the recovery, but just let it take its course and try not too rush it.
Menigitis have helped me a lot, and organised counseling to help me talk about it.
Keep in touch
Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences also as it’s helped me a lot. I’m now home after almost 3 weeks in isolation side room. It’s nice to be out of there. I’ve moved to my parents temporarily until I get my mobility back and I can return home to my fiancé and our 2 gorgeous babes (my stepchildren) who I miss dearly but this would be too much for them to handle right now with all equipment I’m needing.
What I’m finding hard right now is noises and family visiting not realising that I can’t deal with too many noises in one go. Got upset a few times as head feels overwhelmed. It’s hard for them to sympathise with something they cannot physically see. x