Hi again,
I have suffered with pins and needles, prickling all over and a bit of numbness in toes and my thigh. Also a creepy crawly feeling in my hip, weakness in my left leg and cold feet ( mainly the left one) the pins and needle in my arms and legs has mainly changed to burning now. I also have some tenderness around the site of my lumbar puncture. My question is as soon as you search those symptoms it comes up with arachnoiditis so now I'm panicking! Did anyone have those symptoms after lumbar puncture or VM? I had a very straight forward LP. Afterwards my hearing was strange and on and off I have had pulsatile tinnitus and noise sensitivity. I am still getting over a period of severe stiff neck, which didn't start until about a month out of hospital and when I get that it also sets of a crippling headache up the back of my head and across my forehead. If feels as though there is so much pressure inside and when I've been stood up for sometime I get the pulsatile tinnitus. Can anyone help?