My great grandson has just been diagnosed with meningitis he’s only five weeks old, he does not deserve this, what can I do to help him, I feel so helpless
Great grandson: My great grandson has just... - Meningitis Now
Great grandson
My boy was only two weeks old when he got acute bacterial ecoli meningitis. And no they don’t deserve it love. If he’s 5 weeks, he can have the stronger anti biotic which is good, my son was too tiny for it as you need to be over a month old for the liver to handle it.
They will do a lumber puncture if they haven’t already and pinpoint the bacteria do they can match the anti biotic. Charlie was in the intensive care type section for a week and then he had six weeks of IV anti biotic infusion through a line that led from his foot to his heart, and trying to cannulate a hand that tiny was impossible. It’s a dreadful thing to go through as a parent / grandparent. Absolutely heartbreaking. Is he conscious? You can help by being strong for him and your family. It’s a long road and this part is always the scariest.
Keep us updated about how he is. Or direct message me if you want to talk further.
Saying little prayers for you and your family 💕
Hi there,am sending you all the positive energy through my daughter's smiles and hags. she also had meningitis at her 40 days. Indeed it is a difficult phase for all of you now and more for your little one. be strong and always be happy and cheerful around him. remember that you caught it and he is in recovery road now. I hope your little one is as lucky as my daughter.