Meningitis/encephalitis - 3 years on - Meningitis Now

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Meningitis/encephalitis - 3 years on

MichaelB72 profile image
3 Replies

Hi, I'm new to the forum so please be gentle with me :)

I was hospitalized feb 8th 2013, with meningitis/encephalitis and also had kidney failure, lung failure, septicemia with bronchitis thrown in because of lack of staff on the ward. (Also damaged my ulna nerve when I collapsed and spent 5 weeks in ITU)

Just wanted to find others that are in the same position as me, I lost my mother very shortly after i was discharged from hospital which makes situation slightly worse as I suffer a great deal of guilt over her death as I could not be there for her as she was for me.

Im now 3 years down the line and still get tired mentally quite often, I've had to give up my job as i could no longer do it, but have found a very helpful employer that deals with my rehabilitation and I volunteer with them which gives me purpose again.

How does everyone else deal with their situations?

sorry for the long first post

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3 Replies
Schmooschmoo profile image

Hi MichaelB72, your story is inspirational, to have had such a severe case of meningitis and survive is a testimony to beating the odds. There are many people in this forum community who will be able to support you and stare their personal experiences. Many have suffered the milder viral meningitis and are struggling in certain areas of their lives many years later, so it is understandable that you have challenges. I can appreciate how much you miss your mum and feel guilt. I lost my mum to Phemuniccocal meningitis last year (she also had scepticemia). I've always felt very guilty. Any child (regardless of age), feels the pain of their mums passing beyond all others. Your mum would have been so happy that you survived and are functioning the best you can. I don't have any answers but wanted to say thanks for sharing your story and you will get some great replies from other survivors which may help you. All the best.

Covenham profile image

Hello MichaelB72 :)

I'm glad you've found this site, as it helped me after I came out of 2 weeks in Isolation from MeningitisEncephalitis in Aug 2011.

You've had a rough time and then to lose your mum as well, I can't begin to imagine how that must feel for you.

I hope you have a really kind and understanding GP, as this goes a long way towards recovery. A lot of doctors don't understand how to deal with adults who've had meningitis and will often expect the patients to 'bounce back up' again after a month or so. It rarely, if ever, happens that way.

I'm almost 5 years post my illness and I know it takes time; I had to accept that my daily life was going to change; that I got tired very easily and I had to learn to pace myself (that was a hard lesson to learn) and I read up a lot about my illness and how I could help myself.

Meningitis Now are very helpful and if you have any questions or information you'd like, then give them a call. There are loads of stories and Posts on this site that you can read, which will help you to see you're not alone - we're one big family on here :)

Take care and be kind to yourself. Best wishes.

sorba profile image

Live each day as it comes, don't overdo things, I'm glad you've found an understanding mentor, be glad you're alive, Sorba

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