My girlfriend got meningitis and is treated with anti biotics to curb the virus till the lab result identifies what bacteria exactly..been 3 days since the spinal tap
Hi, is the disappearance of the fever a goo... - Meningitis Now
Hi, is the disappearance of the fever a good sign? And does each consecutive seizure that shortens in duration mean progressive recovery?

Hi. I am sorry to hear about your girlfriend contracting meningitis. I am wondering if you now know whether it is Viral meningitis or bacterial and whether she is to continue on antibiotics (if bacterial) or antivirals (if viral)? Yes I would say that her temperature coming down is definitely a very good sign that the infection is resolving. Were the seizures febrile convulsions caused by the high temperature, caused by the inflammation in the brain or was she already epileptic and the illness caused her epilepsy to be unstable?? I had Bacterial Meningiits & Septiceamia and when I was in a coma it was diagnosed that I was having sub clinical fits (no visible signs of fitting) and that was why every time they tried to bring me out of the coma it was unsuccessful until I was started on anticonvulsants. As her temperature is coming down that is going to definately help the fitting lessen. What you describe does sound like good signs of recovery. Although depending on the type of meningitis and the severity, even when the infection has been treated and resolved she will have a road of recovery ahead even when she goes home from hospital. That varies for each one of us in degree of impact, what after effects and how long. For some of us there is never a full recovery and new ways of dealing with the after effects and managing day to day life has to be learnt. Good luck to you and your girlfriend. The best aid to her recovery along with the medical treatments is you still being there for her, doing your best to understand and help, and most importantly your continued love. Do keep posting on here as it is a very helpful site to share and find information for both those who have contracted meningitis and for those relatives and friends around them. Also you may have already discovered that the Meningitis Now website has lots of helpful info too. Best wishes to you and your girlfriend. Look forward to hearing how things are progressing.
Hi strawberrycream, thank you so much for your reply! She most likely got the seizures because of her brain and liver inflammation however when her fever started to go away she always nearly goes into a fit but not the full seizure. She gets febrile seizures btw and no history of epilepsy. The doctored are still waiting for the spinal tap result of what bacteria, so far they've only identified that there's a virus in the fluid but to find out the actual strain will take 2 weeks. She did the spinal tap on Monday morning and she has been on the anti biotics since then so that makes it 4 days of treatment. Thanks so much for your support, I've been so scared and depressed about this