At Brook we believe
•Every young person has equal rights to express their own sexuality and gender.
•Every young person should have the same access to Relationships and Sex education (RSE)
When we talk about sexuality we are describing how people express themselves in a sexual way. Part of someone’s sexuality is sexual orientation which refers to who you’re attracted to, want to have sex with and fall in love with.
A simple way to have a sex positive approach and talk about pleasure when discussing sex and relationships is acknowledging the reasons why people have sex in the first place. If you ask a group of young people “why do people have sex” they will often come up with 2 answers straight away
1)To have babies
2)Because it feels nice/ pleasure
Both reasons are absolutely right, but the majority of the time people are having sex it is most often not to have a baby. People have sex most of the time because it is pleasurable, so effective sex positive RSE has to acknowledge this and not only focus on risks.
Brook have free e-learning platforms which can be a great way to expand your knowledge on specific topics relating to sex and relationships. We also have a whole module all about PLEASURE
We also have a fabulous YouTube channel with videos on many things relating to sex and relationships, I have linked a video filmed last year during sexual health week all about sex and disability
Also, I have linked Squirmy and Grubs youtube channel below they are an interabled couple who also have videos on intimacy and disability check them out!