I love my cotton sheets at night. I also keep a spare top in the fridge in a plastic bag for a cool change. Don't forget to drink lots of water tossing/turning/sweating at night can cause dehydration. Keep a glass of water by your bedside.
Keep cool at night: I love my cotton sheets... - L-W-O Community
Keep cool at night

What a good idea putting sheets in the fridge Thank You.
Try DIY air conditioning for LE. As most homes in U.K. and Europe don’t have air con, lymphies have to get a bit creative to keep cool!
Take a small, medium or large towel, dampen in cold water then wring it out.
Lay the towel over your limbs/body with a desk or standing fan pointing at you on low to high strength.
The air from the fan blowing on the cool damp towel gives a lovely strong cooling sensation just like air con.
If you need it even cooler then leave a bit more of the cold water in the towel when wringing it out.
This cooling method has got me through many a heat wave.
At night when heat sends even more unbearable, I combine it lying on top of large cooling mats ((large dog size cooling gel mats stored in fridge by day) and frozen bottled water to hold up to my neck and pulse points. I also lie in a cool bath before bed and early morning to get some relief.
Swimming at my local Lido which has low chlorine levels and lovely cool water is also delightful.
Really good tips here, thank you