Hello! I’m new to this and am trying to figure out whether the myriad of symptoms I am experiencing are part of a bigger issue than the little individual diagnoses I have been receiving. I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Cosochondritis, Depression, ADHD, l
Large Lymph Nodes, Arthritis, Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block, chronic gastritis, and various other issues. My maternal grandmother has Lupus and two of three of my siblings had autoimmune disorders (alopecia and eczema). I’ve started researching recently and found one of the tell tale symptoms is the Malar rash. Where I thought I just had rosy cheeks, I’m realizing this rash wasn’t always present and got more pronounced after certain exposures. I tried to see what a malar rash looked like, but got so many photos to look at, I thought I would just al those who have been diagnosed what their opinion is. Thank you so much in advance for your help and with that, does this look like a malar rash? I’m the one on the right.