How many pills do you take a day? Med... - Lupus Foundation ...
How many pills do you take a day? Meds and/or supplements and over the counter meds?

Hi I know its been a year but I just seen your post... I take 25 pills every day. Some are 1 in the morning an 1 at night, but they add up to 25. Is that alot or the normal? I only knew I've had lupus for maybe 3 months. I also have hypothyroidism, extreme anxiety, bypolar, panic attacks, and now lupus. So I have to take meds for all that, not just lupus.
Far too many for my lupus and other things! and then when you get a side effects of the med you take another med For the side effect and so adding more meds! I keep trying to tell my doc I should come off one of them,but he replies "well I think we should leave it at the movement because your stable and we don't want to rock the boat." Guess I cannot blame him but it does upset my stomach sometimes !or have chronic indigestion.i know my doc is only looking out for me it's just frustrating .
Ugh...Putting me in the poor house. About 14-15 vitamins and supplements a day.