In the 11 years since my diagnosis, I seem to be a magnet for snake oil salespeople all of whom are offering me miracle cures. At the same time they hint (not too subtly) that there is a huge medical conspiracy to keep me and others sick.
What do you say to people who try to ... - Lupus Foundation ...
What do you say to people who try to sell you supplements claiming to cure lupus?

Perhaps we should all start telling them " I have lupus but I am not stupid, peddle your wares elsewhere"!
I usually launch into "science mode" and ask them to show be double blind studies in peer reviewed journals. That usually baffles them. One guy at a health fair tried to tell me that expensive berry juice ($25 a quart) would cure my lupus completely! "After all," he said, "It was on the internet." Then he showed me somebody's blog. Sigh.
Patients really need to be careful and smart! There are too many quacks out there looking to make a buck off of an unsuspecting soul. I like your answer that probably blows their minds.
I said no! Every doctors are making money with the pharmaceutical manufactures. All the doctors make a percentage on the medicine their prescribe to the patients. They don't care about us!!!
There is no such thing about lupus miracle cure for lupus. It's a autoimmune inside the body and affects on the skin, it has nothing to do with foreign chemical or environment that the snake oil can prevented.
The advertising always sound too good to be true because it's the part of marketing and promotions.
I'm not falling for that, specially I'm so sensitive and react to any chemicals that maybe hurt than helpful to the body.