Having rough night. 2 docs tomorrow and cant fall asleep. Wishing for some kind words. Thx.
Ughhhhhhh: Having rough night. 2 docs... - Living with Anxiety

Hello hjc2121
So sorry no one could give you any kind words of support , this is suppose to be where we can come to get some encouragement when we need it , but I have noticed that people post but the lack of replies is still about zero and because of that it lets the Community down , well just my opinion
Anyway to late to give you support and kind words but not to late to ask you how did your appointment go ?
Take Care x

Thanks for your note. And I’ll always be around if you want to chat. The Doctor visits are still scaring me, to be honest. Still too depressing
Have you been to the doctors ?
What are you going for and what scares you about it ? x

Had Open Heart Surgery a week ago. Trying to get better and stronger.
Wow you have been through it then and I can see why you are feeling apprehensive
Now open heart surgery is a big thing but you put your trust in the Doctors and they have done a good job by doing the operation and putting things right
Yes it will take a while now for you to get back on your feet but do what they say and you will recover
You will get stronger but it will take time
Take good care of yourself you have come this far and done so well x

Thanks. Yeah it’s been really traumatic tgese past weeks. Hoping for the strength
It is a big operation but that is behind you now , that is the worst part over
But after such a big op there is now going to have to be a period of time in which you need to look after yourself and get better
After such a big op you will feel weak but in time slowly your strength will come back but you must be kind to yourself and try and accept this will take time but you will get there
If you have anything you enjoy doing like maybe some sewing or anything what you can do while you have to rest up to help keep your mind occupied that could help
Take things steady you will get there x

Thanks. Trying to square it all away
Hi Hjc! Sorry that I just now saw your post. You are brave and strong. How are you feeling today?