my paa levels have gone crazy I’m awaiting another scan but should I be worried?
plasma alanine aminotransferase : my paa levels... - Liver4Life
plasma alanine aminotransferase

Your ALT levels can rise for any number of reasons and it can go up and down within the hours of a day. Doctors don't usually get concerned unless it is 3 to 4 times over upper limit of normal and it can go into the many hundreds or even thousands so when you say 'gone crazy' how elevated is it?
It can rise if you are fighting another bug or infection, if you've exercised hard and many other normal everyday issues.
However, if it is more than a 'blip', is really high or if there is an ongoing pattern of elevation then it would need further investigation into whether there is something serious going on.
Looking at your other posts and threads it looks like you have multiple autoimmune conditions so it is possible that your immune system has decided to have a bash at the liver now.
Do you see a gastroenterologist or hepatologist already? If not it sounds like you need a referral for further investigations.