I appear to be going round in circles here & abroad meeting outright discrimination from not only the private sector & NHS because had a cardiac caused by their negligence in first place re appropriate treatment for disabling conditions .To make matters worse some of certain age can get the treatment with primary lipo-lymphoedema in Scotland & Wales but it is refused if England based & to make matters worse they divide up your county in this case Gloucestershire to discriminate further even when there is in my family on both sides a genetic disposition & cancer risk .Are we guinea pigs do nothing see what happens as in case of Testing older women re classic symptoms .Then what do GPs do constantly going on about dieting not listening to my reply low thyroid, hormonal imbalance, gastric band [ self funded]
Is it a Wind Up ?: I appear to be going round... - Lipoedema UK
Is it a Wind Up ?

The NHS can seem like a wind up but it remains much better than the private sector which has a financial incentive to wind people up with unnecessary and dangerous "treatments" so in my honest opinion, stay with the NHS and only the NHS.
Good luck and best wishes sorting it all out.
If you are of a certain age none want to know Private or abroad especially when you have multi conditions & disabilities already cut back & ignored that involve chronic sepsis & spina bifida of " no consequence" abnormal EEG one ureter too many CFS /fibro heart failure ? And if you need sedation /GA & have heart failure[dysponea] due to negligence & operation by call centres operating on backlogs , they kick you even harder pretending solely a mental condition hoping your cognition will go before you get the pain or internal cysts & boils & abscesses which could be cancerous if genetic predisposition anything to go by ?!
i wouldn't stick with the NHS - they simply don't have the money for these surgeries in the UK and too many people are struggling with this horrid condition. Look at all of your options. There some excellent surgeons in the UK and in Germany; the best ones have very long waiting lists and it is important to research. NNE
How do you figure that NHS pays for the surgery in Scotland , I was told from DR that they usually do not pay for it
Hi skybluepink
I've recently joined this site, but not finding any support at all, very disappointing. I read your post of 2 years ago and it really struck a chord, both the content and the fact that I to am in Gloucestershire, experiencing similar . . .
Just wondered if in the last 2 years, you have made any progress?
Would be great to hear from you if you have the time.
Take care 🌻🌻🌻
I'm really sorry but I don't think your message was meant for me.