Do you have any useful dietary tips? Or, any useful recipes you can share for people on a low fat diet? Please share your tips or recipes below.
Debate on low-fat diet: Do you have any... - Leukodystrophy Su...
Leukodystrophy Support
Debate on low-fat diet
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A minha dieta consiste em comer mais peixe e frango grelhado e ao molho de tomates sem colocar gordura, sal, alho, arroz japonês, feijâo, pouco leite, mas desnatado, vitamina d, prednisona 5 mg, lovastatina, e muita fé em Deus
Thank you Carlerio for sharing your amazing tips.
Carlerio said: "My diet consists of eating more fish and grilled chicken and tomato sauce without putting fat, salt, garlic, Japanese rice, beans, a little milk, but skim milk, vitamin d, prednisone 5 mg, lovastatin,"
Please share your tips and recipes below.
As a female carrier, do you think there is anything I can do to delay/help with the onset of potential systems in altering my diet?
Thank you Izzy for getting in touch.
There is no specific diet that has been reported to give beneficial effects. The general opinion is that the fitter and healthier you are, the less symptoms will affect you - so a good, balanced diet is always advisable.
There is research currently ongoing into the use of antioxidants to alleviate symptoms, which has so far not been conclusive.
However, it is believed that the ALD gene causes an excess of free radicals in the body which foods high in anti-oxidants may dissipate. You can read about this here:
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