Is this the right group for someone with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?
CLL : Is this the right group for someone... - Leukaemia Support
Some people use this forum, but the main big CLL forum is also on Heath Unlocked.
Look for the CLLSA, or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Support Association.
You will find there both mutual support and masses of technical information.
Yes I have the stage have u just been diagnosed
Hi, you certainly are in the right place for people affected by CLL. I hope you find it supportive, I do, Keep posting and take lots of care of yourself.
Hi Mikec,
As Dick (Kwenda) says, this is a smaller group recently established by Leukaemia Care for UK folks living with any blood cancers, especially those with Acute and other Leukaemia. There are about 400 members and averaging about 1-2 postings per day
The CLLSA community at is the main HU CLL groupwhich has grown to an international membership of 8,600 and has 10-20 posts per day exclusively for CLL.
So if you want to access a large database of information about CLL and don't mind people that talk funny (like me from the USA), you can access both groups. And read the archives like this:
On any of the pages in either group be certain to look for the boxes labeled "Related Posts" and "Pinned Posts" - the upper right column on computer screens and scroll to the bottom on mobile devices.
Hi Mike, welcome to the group.
its one that can be useful yes, I had it since 2014, currently on Watch & Worry!