What affects your participation (post... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
What affects your participation (posts and comments) on the community? Select all that apply
It feels like no one is here... I posted and got no response, and there is very little activity from anyone else. Not sure how to break that Catch 22... but if there were even a handful of us posting and responding, I would be much more active.
It's not an active community and the majority of the posts are impersonal and appear to be preaching to the converted.
Having followed a lchf diet for some years, I have too much energy to stay in tapping away at a computer or an ipad.
I'll be on here more often in the winter I expect. I'll have re-introduced potatoes into my diet by then...
...plus I only just found out about it.
It is not a friendly place. I am not prepared to tolerate some of the attitudes that are expressed on this site; really not acceptable! If you challenge these attitudes, you are painted as unreasonable. There are lots of alternative sources of information about LCHF - so why would I come here?
So sorry to hear this.
I’ve only been on this particular forum for a short while but found it welcoming and helpful..I’m sorry you haven’t ..
I just noticed this post is 4 years old, although I guess that don’t matter..
I’m still finding my way round the different aspects of the site. Sounds daft, but each time I enter it looks different and often I can’t find what I’m sure I saw before.
I can’t find the différent forums easily even when I’ve signed up to them
You may find this helpful, Missdoubleyou healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Busy : just too busy to spend time on social media. Have actual people to talk to in person which is 100% better than virtual. But when I ask a question here always get a quick and helpful reply
There is a frequent poster (possibly the most frequent poster) who keeps posting up meals many of which are not low-carb foods. I have no interest in these posts and wonder whether it is being done to damage the group.

You are free to report any posts which you don't think are in the spirit of any particular forum. That will let HU know. The LCHF forum doesn't have anyone in an Admin role
It's says specifically that reports only go to admins and moderators. Are you certain it goes anywhere else? I have had not reaction to anything I have reported.
My apologies, a Report does only go to the Admins and Moderators of a particular forum.You could contact HU by emailing support@healthunlocked.com if you wish to
Reports also go to HU, but they are only removed if they are deemed to breach HU guidelines, e.g. bullying, underage, spam.
It can take a few days for HU to react to reports, as they cover the whole site
Subtle_badger this reply was intended for you but didn't appear under your post for some reason 🤔 it's a bit glitchy today!
I'm pleased you confirmed this. That was my understanding but when you click on Report, it does say the Report goes to Admins and Moderators. Maybe HU need to clarify that, for all using the function.
And my reply didn't appear to go where intended, either.
I think it's replies to polls that are broken. Poor BridgeGirl must feel harangued as I replied and deleted about 5 times before giving up. She presumable got a notification about each one 😳
You probably got similar! At least it's slotted underneath now, I'll just presume that's the case with this reply and not make so many efforts to edit this time 😁
No, I didn't get any notifications as I'm not an Admin on this forum