Excitings times ahead my weekly pin cushion date #,Friday #sarcasm : ((((
Exciting times .: Excitings times ahead... - ITP Support Assoc...
Exciting times .
Why weekly? Can the docs not push it out further?
It is because my platelets are bobbing up and down an I do not want steroids do not agree with me what's so ever had them before with another illness
Platelets vary widely on a daily basis anyway. What are your counts like, and how do you feel? Mine are between 19 and 43, and I don't have any meds for it. I've had ITP for 21 years now.
My platelets last Saturday 60 then Tuesday gone down to 26 I had them done yesterday wonder what that result will be its all so confusing ??????
I found letting go of the count helpful, as I concentrate on how I feel overall. I get stabbed every six months, and can go more often if I feel the need, or the rash on my feet gets more noticeable.
I'm in Belgium, and they don't treat here til your count is 10 or less, as long as you don't bleed a lot or have bruises everywhere.
I try not to think of the count but when you are st the hospital every week it is hard not to ... Nose bleeds started of an on last week ceased now and bruising pops up everywhere 2 new ones today I have to laugh at this because I look like I am very clumsy : )))) I guess it can become a bit obsessive a new disease as you don't know what to expect and you just keep looking for answers .... I am following your posts : )))) thank you for the reply have a good evening : )))
I used to say I was visiting my friendly vampire team...