Cannot see if I posted previously on h... - Healthy Happy Woman

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Cannot see if I posted previously on here? I'm very up and down in terms of recovery. 13 weeks post op tlh bso- felt great, 15weeks Yuck!

HellyLlewelly profile image
18 Replies

I thought I was flying a few weeks back and posted on here I think to say same...I was painting my fence and house front wall and had began exercise too. 2 weeks later I can hardly get out of bed. I feel flat, I feel My back pain moving across my hips buttock sit bone area and general abdominal tired/heavy cramped most days.

My motivation has really dropped.

I am on great me ems of hrt combined due to Endometriosis and I have a paranoia that endo ^ was missed in my op or that I have sufficient left over to cause me such pain..I had a bowel shave too. It was pinned with endo^ to the pelvic cavity.

I guess I need hugs love support, good stories...I need HELP!!!

Plus I'm a beached whale toppi g my top ever weight and feeling big slow and sluggish.

Is it right to be this up and down.

Kind of feel like I'm having disturbed sleep and can't of vivid bad dreams too.

I dunno what's going on.

I'm not mourning my fertility or my lady parts at all.

Some spasm activity and cramping in my vaginal cavity area too in the past week is freaking me out a little.

SOS call

Please help me 😥🤒



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HellyLlewelly profile image
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18 Replies
Alicepirate profile image

awe how are you feeling now ?

Lizzyann57 profile image

Hi helly i feel exactly the same as you .I had my tahbso 29th Jan this year my belly still tender and swollen also the vivid dreams they are quite scary .I don't miss my bits but I wish I could feel normal again x

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to Lizzyann57

Hi Lizzy Alicepirate too,

I am up and down. Lizzy I think we need to put this year down to a recovery year...I really do hold myself to some targets that I cannot meet and I won't be meeting them any time soon.

I am going through a couple of weeks where I feel I could sleep around the clock.

I had a date night with my husband Saturday and feel it's taken me until today to recover! I did get carried away in this lovely weather and had the drinks cabinet open well after it should have been closed yet I was in the mood to try and celebrate.

I put nibbles and quiche and flat bread out etc just to keep the cooking simple..

I do take an anti anxiety medication and will be seeing soon if I need it altered plus getting my bloods done again early July. I have had this conversation with Alice on another thread its better to be safe than sorry. I really feel that I need to shed past expectations and just accept this recovery is NOTHING like Ive had before even post C section and with a new born..Im older now and need to cool my jets.

Please feel free to check in with me ladies I am feeling like I'm on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at the minute and seemingly my hrt levels are fine! I do have this odd feeling like my wings have been clipped ie had my own hormones other benefits that hrt can't bring me...I have said I'm not mourning my parts but in a way we must all mourn a loss...Im always a slow burner and it will probably be working on me in the background whilst I say "I'm fine" honest! Lol.

I'm definately debuting my glucosomine sulphate tablets from Tesco as I think hrt is playing havoc with my joints! Sorry it wasn't a pun for Tesco but they do value 3 for 2! I am on a multivitamin too but going to look one up for menopause or joints in particular x


StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to Lizzyann57

Hi Lizzyann57

You had your op exactly one week before me, TAH and BSO. For the last week or so my op site has started to feel tender again and I’m back to looking bloated....and I really had started to think I was on the home run to being better and as your u say normal! Interesting that you mention dreams, I’m really getting some weird ones lately which I had put down to the hot weather. I don’t feel so “off” that I want to go to the doctor, but this is wearing isn’t it? S x

Lizzyann57 profile image
Lizzyann57 in reply to StIvesmaid

Hi yes its beginning to get me down now ,I feel ok some days then low belly swollen and tender and feel 6 months pregnant !! Like you I don't feel the need to see a doctor .also I still have a bit of spotting which I might have to see about one day .take care xx

StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to Lizzyann57

I don’t have any spotting. But hey, early days?? Look after yourself xx

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to Lizzyann57

How are you feeling now?

I'm approaching 5 months and feel like Ive been hit with a week or two that coukd have been back at month 1 or 2, back pain and right sided cramp bot pain just cramp on and off. Think exercising on Monday was still premature and I've irritate my bulging discs in my lowe spine.

On painkillers and in bed pretty miserable. I hope yours is a better outcome now you are about 7 months past it....


Lizzyann57 profile image
Lizzyann57 in reply to HellyLlewelly

Hi not really ,still swollen and tender and low mood .Good days and bad days .hope you're ok x

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to Lizzyann57

Pet not fair...apparently at 6 months we are only 80% healed internally so a year is the real marker.

I'm massive lol. I've another half stone on since surgery yet an inch or too of weight loss. I'm just buying 16's and 18's off eBay, cheap and comfortable tops and stretch jeggings. My mood is also low and Im very tired.

I take an anti depressant and maybe need an increase.

What hrt if any did you get or do you feel you could do with a boost from an anti depressant for mood and energy.

Sertraline is a good one as is citalopram.

I'm on patch hrt but feel it's maybe not working quite enough yet as mood and energy are low.

Please stay on the thread and update me of your progress. Do you have anything occupying your mind a past time or hobby you like?



Lizzyann57 profile image
Lizzyann57 in reply to HellyLlewelly

Hi I've also put weight on living in leggings and jeggings and baggy tops ! Not on hrt (can't have it ) I'm on fluoxetine just keeping me steady ! I like reading ,jigsaw puzzles and gardening but can't do lot of gardening at moment .get tired really quick in bed by 9 most nights and still tired . Good to have a moan now and then .will keep in touch .xx

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to Lizzyann57

Yes tiredness is definately a symptom. It's good you are on fluoxetine my father in law was brilliant on that when his mother passed. We all need a lift going through these things. I'm glad you have non excertive type hobbies and I'm thinking about taking up painting again.

Keep in touch I live to hear from the same time patients as myself you are truly only the ones who know what it is like....

Best wishes



HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to StIvesmaid

StIvesmaid How are you feeling now?

I'm approaching 5 months and feel like Ive been hit with a week or two that could have been back at month 1 or 2, back pain and right sided cramp low pelvic area, not pain just cramp on and off. Almost ovarian.pain ahhh hello, they are gone to the ovary heaven in the sky lol - I Think exercising on Monday was still premature and I've irritate my bulging discs in my lower spine.

On painkillers and in bed pretty miserable. I hope yours is a better outcome now you are about 7 months past it....

StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to HellyLlewelly

Hello! I’m 6 months next week. Sorry to hear you’re feeling crappy again, have you been overdoing it with those exercises? Overall I’m fine I think. My physical fitness is not what it was (get really winded going up hills and long flights of steps - neither can be avoided in Cornwall). I’m also having discomfort on my right hand side where my biggest fibroid was. I think there were cysts there and suspect adhesions as well that no one told me about. It’s not as bad as cramp and last night in bed it was all the way up my side to my ribs - put that down to Pilates yesterday. Not taking painkillers. Read one of the earlier replies here that said at 6 months we are 80% healed. I think that is right! But really you do sound poorly, have you been to your GP? Are they helpful? Don’t want to alarm you but it doesn’t seem right you feeling so rotten after 5 months. Look after yourself x

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to StIvesmaid

I'm afraid I have, I need to try swimming instead, I'm a competent swimmer and got the gym membership recently. I tried hiit training I do the insanity videos, I've done them for 6 years but I'm parking it all until I'm fully healed. Yes I found those stats on an American literature report about hysterectomy so 80% is still not fully healed. I believe our bodies hold on to the trauma area likr the adhesion sites ovaries sites and cysts etc as lots of women say about ghost ovulation etc and my pain was dead on ovulation time and I also got these pains whilst I was pregnant! There are hormonal imprints at work I truly believe It! My bulging discs were deemed probably not the cause of my intense back pain and that's part of the reason I went for the hysterectomy, though I believe I'm just unlucky to have both. I may need back surgery in the future to clip these discs. The discs are on nerves my worst episodes wee my bulging womb on the discs on the nerves pre surgery I was almost urinary incontinent. Compared to then I'm much better but having to ditch my high expectations of my recovery.

I also had a triple leg break in 2012 so I am only able go do low impact exercise and can't walk out doors or run as under ground plays havoc with my gait.

Bloods set for Monday!

Thank you for kerping in touch!


StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to HellyLlewelly

Blimey you have had a tough time! Don’t think I would be coping at all. You’re a strong lady, that’s for sure. Interesting about the idea of hormonal imprints, I’m not getting any ghost ovulation but that’s probably because I was so far past menopause when I had the surgery. Definitely agree about the site trauma though, that seems worse for me than it was. If you think about it any surgery is an acute physical assault on the body, like a controlled stabbing. Gruesome eh? Hope the blood tests prove helpful, let me know how you get on. S x

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to StIvesmaid

That's so interesting yes it is like a controlled stabbing 😲...most definately an acute insult.

I will let you know for sure.

Thank you for your encouragement I remember days lying in bed and being taken to very dark places. Endometriosis almost consumed me from the inside out.

Bless you.

Helly x

HellyLlewelly profile image
HellyLlewelly in reply to StIvesmaid

Hi StIvesmaid

I was just wondering how you are?

We were almost the same time for surgery..Now im past a year Im still suffering back and pelvic pain and

Have had a hard time coping mentally! Ive actually went on to the Fluoxetine myself and its great.

Ive been referred to colorectal surgeon incase my bowel is the culprit plus the endometriosis clinic.

Ive terrible wind since this op, very bad coccyxs and sacral pain, its a dull, gnawing sready constant attack on me, Im on Pregabalin and ibuprofen co-codemol for pain.

Ive been actively trying exercise since the nee year but pain flair ips have knocked me off my tracks again.

Im wrestling with the fact my targets for myself for weight loss and fitness are pushed back further and further.

Its upsetting and being this inactive is killing my spirit.

Im hanging in here though....

Im interested to see how you are healing.

Ps Im on Provera tablet to stop regrowth yet Im still full of twinges around ovulation and period time (going by my calendar) my Consultant almost knifed me wheb I brought this up, to suggest I had ovarian remnant syndrome I suppose his skills were insulted yet its uncanny my pains can feel cyclical in nature. I only drew his attention to it not insulting his surgery skills.



StIvesmaid profile image
StIvesmaid in reply to HellyLlewelly

Hi HellyLlewelly,

Nice to hear from you but not so good to hear you are not recovered. It took me almost a year to be fully well, until almost a year after the op I was having the odd twinge right pelvis where the worst of my fibroids/cysts all were but that has stopped now. I’m not on any medication for post op effects at all and apart from what I take for arthritis (which I have had for 30 odd years) I’m medication free at the moment. For me (apart from my joints!) I feel better generally than I did before the hysterectomy. Got back to my Pilates class at about 3-4 months post op, weight back to normal and apart from recent arthritic flare ups feeling well. Not getting any cyclical symptoms but I was post menopause when I had my op which probably explains that.

It’s a shame you don’t seem to be getting the support you need. Hope things improve for you soon xx

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