Have you gone on to get pregnant succ... - Hughes Syndrome A...
Have you gone on to get pregnant successfully after being diagnosed with APS
I had 3 miscarraiges in the 1980's but wasn't diagnosed until 2001
I had miscarriages then two successful pregnancies 93 and 95. A 9lb13ozboy and 8lb3oz girl. The joys of my life. I was diagnosed ten yrs later with aps
Had four miscarriages in the 80's. One at 4 1/2 months, one at 4 months, one at 7 months, but found our a month and a half before that the fetus was dead and the last one at five months. Doc told us that it was too dangerous to keep trying as I also had dvt's and a stroke during them. Was on heparin for the last two. Was diagnosed with aps (though not called that at the time) after the second one.
Had two healthy pregnancies in the late 80's but think I probably also lost a lot early on. Then had 3 miscarriages in 2002, was diagnosed with APLS and FVL and put on aspirin and clexane and had a healthy baby in 2003. Had another miscarriage early in 2004 but didn't realise I was pregnant until it happened so wasn't on clexane
I was diagnosed years after my pregnancies.
I had difficulty conceiving, had 2 miscarriages, diagnosed with APS just as I got pregnant for 3rd time. Treated with clexane and had healthy baby. tried for 2 years 3 months before getting pregnant again but miscarried even with clexane. Still not pregnant again 8 months later!
Successful pregnancy but given heparin when pregnancy confirmed
I had 3 miscarriages, each one occurred a few weeks after having a positive pregnancy test. My doctor sent me to an endocrinologist where I tested positive for APL antibodies, anti-nuclear antibodies, and anti-lupus antibodies. I was treated with aspirin and progesterone and successfully delivered a 10lbs, 2.3oz baby (more like toddler!) boy! Frustratingly, I bleed like I was having a period for most of my pregnancy for unknown reasons. Four and half years later I had a 7lb., 13 oz. healthy baby girl
Had a miscarriage in 94 in 2nd trimester which was very traumatic and not handled very well by health professions, then a lot of early ones for which I did not seek any medical assistance. Did not manage to go on to have a child and was only finally diagnosed a couple of months ago - so only now understand why!
At the time I fell pregnant I didn't know I had APS, but was told that because I have PSOS it would be very hard for me to conceive. I came off the pill (which is the thing that nearly cost me my life) and three weeks later found out I was expecting my baby. When my baby was six months I went back on the pill, and when she was ten months I was rushed into hospital with what the doctors thought was a severe migraine, and it turned out to be three bloodclots and a small bleed on the brain. This is what led to my final diagnosis, along with other symptoms.
By the time it was discovered that I had APS, I was in my late 40's and was never able to get pregnant
MY first pregnancy I had my daughter at 33 weeks by emergency C section due to eclamsia she weighed 4lb but was healthy. I then went on to have numerous miscarriages ranging from 8 weeks to 16 weeks and stillborn twins (hannah and carl) and stillborn boy (jack) by this time id had 3 strokes and was finally dx with Sneddons and APS and put on warfarin and advised not to get pregnant again year later was sterilized.
I had successful pregancy in 86 and then miscarriage. Successful pregnancy in 89. Miscarriage 94, 95 and successful pregnancy 96. Though I am Sero neg diagnosed through Prof Hughes. So who knows.
Was diagnosed after three miscarriages; had a late loss while on treatment with aspirin and heparin which is apparently rare and indicates 'severe APS' - then had a further seven early miscarriages, no successful pregnancies.
i got diagnosed with lupus you see and APS along with that have nevr tried for any childern before but can it be successful after diagnosis is what i would like to know
I had 5 MC's, one ectopic hemorrage and one normal birth without medication before I was diagnosed with APS
I had 2 normal pgs then 3 m/cs. Was dx after my 2nd. It was in 99. I did have a son at 35 weeks due to eclampsia...then was dx with heart failure and a stroke.
I had four successful pregnancies after a miscarriage but was not diagnosed until years later.
I had a m/c in 97 then a successful pregnancy in 2003, then 2 m/cs in 2007. I was lucky in that the m/c nurse took pity on me and referred me for investigation even though the m/cs weren't consecutive (generally has to be 3 consecutive for them to investigate). All they found was low protein s, which is a clotting disorder. So I was on clexane for my next pregnancy and had a healthy baby. I've been diagnosed with APS since and Prof K has told me that I've likely had it many years from my symptoms and that the low protein s was probably a symptom of the APS and that I was lucky that the treatment during pregnancy is the same ie clexane. I see my little girl as a miracle!
I've had 9 miscarriages. My rhuemy told me a few months ago that he has known for 5 years that I have APS, but he never told me or anyone else, apparently he felt I was too young for a stroke etc so didnt see why APS would effect me. Needless to say I am now seeing another Dr.
I had 4 miscarriages, some early term some second term. Three live births. Did not know I had Hughes until I was 46 years old 10 years after my last pregnancy, the Doctor's dropped the ball with ME!
I was diagnosed with APS in 1996 after a PE in 1994 & 1996. Lost a pregancy in 1996 due to bleeding. After many years trying, I managed to get pregnant in 2007 and due to close monitoring and clexane, the pregnancy was successful. Had a miscarriage in 2009 and 2010 but managed to get through a successful pregnancy (with gestational diabetes) in 2011, again due to close monitoring and clexane but this time I refused internal scans. Not having any more children as two is plenty but I couldn't go through the emotional, mental and physical journey again. I am very lucky to be blessed with the two little miracles I have and even though I have no energy, they are my reason for getting up and soldiering on, every day.
After 9 IVF attempts, two of which ended in miscarriage, I was diagnosed with APS amongst other things. 10th and 11th IVF attempts were sucessful as various treatments, given albeit both very difficult pregnancies. Both children well and good birth weights. Key is to find a good practioner who has experience of APS and high risk pregnancies.