Spelling, I can't can you ? - Hughes Syndrome A...
Spelling, I can't can you ?
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I spell well. I am not entirely sure that I can tell when my inr is in range or not. I have some better days than others but as I do not have the ability to check my inr daily it is hard to tell whether it is related to that.
I used to be really good at spelling but on bad days now I have to look up words it drives me mad.
i can spell really well - and always have done. my sticky blood has not affected my spelling in any way.
funnily enough, given that so many other things have "dropped off," I can still spell extremely well and always have. However, simple maths is a mystery to me!
The Americans and Brittish spell the same word differently and in this country (US) both are most often considered correct. However, it completely confuses spell-check. Mine won't function on this Forum. So frequently I see misspellings to my eye, which are not neccesarily so. American, Brittish and Austrailian really are different languages with all the colloqueilisms (sp?) we have adopted. I just had cataract surgery in one eye and have distorting drops in the other eye getting ready for the other eye's surgery --- so if you see any spelling errors here that could be why. I touch type and can't really see this. I'm like Stella. Words are much, much easier than math. I cannot even do simple math, I round everything off to the highest and never bounce a check that way. Both my husband and son are considered "gifted" in math and my new daughter in law is a gifted math teacher for 7/8 graders. My daughter is a word person like myself. It's her choice of words that we differ on.
Good question!
My health issues haven't had any impact on my spelling.