Have you had problems with dyslexia s... - Hughes Syndrome A...

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Have you had problems with dyslexia since being diagnosed with APLS?

MaryF profile imageMaryFAdministrator73 Voters
10 Replies
SharontheSheep profile image

Although I have voted yes it's probably an insult to truely dislexic people. What I have developed is a sort of word blindness and Ive gone from a very competent speller to someone who questions every word as it doesn't look right but I don't know why its wrong. It takes me much longer to write anything as I have to check it many thimes and my typing is appaling and I was an old school touch typist with English Grammar A Levels. So it's very frustrating to produce written work, mind you a spoken sentance itn't much easier, lol.

jetjetjet profile image

i second that sharon------------------i some times lose paart of my vision, suchas you take your field of vision and make it a big puzzle, then remove pieces at random whrere are removed i see only black-- it doesnt happen fast , it usually takes an hour or so,so if im driving i have plenty of time to respond---------------------- jet

annie330 profile image

I have to agree with Sharon I have said yes but not sure if it's true dyslexia however I have problems typing the wrong word, not being able to remember how to spell even easy words, struggle with sounded out even sometimes. Also words can be spelt right but I think they are wrong.

These problems have got much more noticeable in the last 6 months.

I am still working but emails take a long time, I spell check but I still have to read them through a few times as I use the wrong words

Bevi profile image

Same with me, I am forcing myself to keep doing puzzles etc on the thred of "use it or loose it" but I find i not only suffer with writen dyslexier but verbal too!

ClareSteggles profile image

I voted no but was dx with dislexia as a child.

paddyandlin profile image
paddyandlin in reply to ClareSteggles

Hi Clare so was i and i found that my APS aggrevated mine when i flared up on the APS.


Barbie profile image

I feel the same. I get most things backwards or confused. especially when I speak.

Shutah profile image

Strangely I'm okay with letters and words, but numbers are a different matter. When I write or type up phone numbers or long series of numbers (ie NHS numbers at work) I get them mixed up and have to triple check every time to ensure accuracy in letters etc. This only started about 3 months ago but is getting worse.

Mommaleda profile image

Agree with Sharon,Jet, Annie. Hate to say I'm glad to see others do this too. It makes me feel like I'm going crazy! :)lots of times, this "blankness" happens also on those dizzy days too.

Voted 'no' but continue to struggle with reading