Hello everyone!!!! I won't be long on this blog, just need to share my most exciting news that I just received:
My NP, Carla, just called to tell me that the results of my 12 week post treatment bloodwork is NEGATIVE. That means I am SVR.....cured. I no longer have Hep-C. I can't tell you how happy I am. I just got the call about 10 minutes ago and so I am still trying to get my head around it. This is the news I waited for since the day I was diagnosed in 2011. I went through 24 weeks of treatment (not very nice, as you know) and now it is paying off.
I am SVR.......I am SVR......I am SVR. Wow...nice to say this.
I just want to thank everyone for reading my blogs, sending me support and good wishes and following me on my treatment journey. I will probably not write any further blogs as I am totally cured and will be living a wonderful, healthy, Hep-C free life.
God bless you all and everyone, take care!!!!!!