I'm currently on several patches to hit my hrt requirement using combined HRT this past 5 months.
Just wondering if many others seem to have a red edge on feeling off the old patch, on their skin where the patch was stuck? Mine can vary from faint red patch border line to a corner of the patch site type red spot, either way I don't apply new patches to the same area, I swap sides and let the skin heal and only put a patch back onto undamaged skin. The healing skin on my right side (low abdomen above bikini line crease) was looking a bit scaley or peeley as I let it heal. I use dry oil spray to remove the patches which is also very moisturizing.
Just wondering is it a reaction to the strong glue. Should I be concerned and query with my Dr swapping to tablet form HRT?
It's persisted for all this time.
I must admit I find the 2wice weekly patch changes superb and not having to HRT pill every day is great. They are very convenient so so would love to continue on using the patches.
Thank you for any help!