What frustrates you most when reading hea... - Healthy Evidence
What frustrates you most when reading health news?
I wanted to say that all of these options frustrate me
All of the above.
Just think of a world where we all don't have to waste our time correcting misapprehensions and misunderstanding about media health articles - we could all get on with fighting real battles, not made up ones.
Every last one of them plus claims of causation when there is simply a correlation.
It's astounding how much of the "research" in the tabloid news isn't in fact research at all, but PR firm generated nonsense. The Bad PR blog does a fab job of exposing much of this, certainly one worth keeping an eye on for the Behind The Headlines team.
Link: bad-pr.tumblr.com/
They all frustrate me too. But at least if they mention the source you can check it out for yourself...
A think doctors idea of accptable risk with regard heavy antibiotics is not allways disguised with patients.
Nor is in keeping with patients idea of risk nor are other treatment options disguised with them

My GPs are doing as directed by those such as technicians on remits & contracts .NB Online Medical Record records this disgraceful discrimination against women who are over 65+ re utis .I have even had Drs who are teachers stating this .Surely this is not inline with NHS Constitution .Are they kiilling us off early to save money borrowed at vast expense to build extentions ? No wonder the hippocratic oathis no longer taken as even the Universities been corrupted by these admin systems allowing the unqualified academically /medically to judge ?This is another METoo situation surely?
Lies, Lies and Statistics! Why do we fail to give the NHS what it needs, our old people better support and our young a chance to be non-dependent on the NHS all their lives...Then the clever sods come up with bogus figures to confuse us all. France and Germany spend more per head than us and do not have waiting lists!
I was reading an article about healthier eating during the new year and this idea of eating 12:12 was quoted. is there any evidence suggesting that this is beneficial do you think?
I wish there was a “all” option. To me we are told that according to research, this, that and the studies tell us something and we have no idea who, where, who or any type of information.