What's your favorite type of bean to add in... - Healthy Eating
What's your favorite type of bean to add in meals? Multiple choice.
Butter beans
Butter Beans sound great. What do you have them with for certain meals?
All salads and soups and you can make a dip with them.
Butter beans generally put into stews and casseroles (with home made dumplings) mmm mmm
I love eating hummus either mixed in with tuna or on its (hummus)own.😀👍
Oh never tried it mixed with tuna will try that.Thanks
You're welcome! If you use different flavors of hummus, they really help the taste of tuna. The ones I like the best for tuna is Roasted Pine Nut and both types of Olive flavored hummus along with the Spinach and Artichoke.
I use a tin of mixed beans which gives a range of sizes andtextures.
Also Borlotti beans and white butter beans.
All of them but not at the same time!
Pinto or borlotti to make dairy free cream of tomato soup. Chickpeas in curry and tinned three bean salad for salads.
Butter beans
What do you put the Butter Beans in (soup, salad, chili, etc.)?
My favourite use of butter beans us add them to softened onions, garlic, Italian herbs and tomatoes and serve the mixture with pasta.
Freshly picked green beans from the garden, young Broad beans (are they what you call Lima?)
Lima Beans are light green and is sometimes in a mixed vegetable bag. Green beans are great with any meal, too. They're both my favorite types of beans.
According to Google, Lima beans are butter beans and Broad beans are known as Fava beans. I love butter beans in soups and casseroles, Broad beans or Fava beans are beautiful when very young, as they mature on the plant, they become a bit tough.
I know this is nothing to do with the beans, but I am growing potatoes in bags,and I had flower buds on, then they all disappeared.When we looked it looked as if they had been eaten along with some leaves,what I would like to know is would it be save to eat the pots.
Thank you
I would think so, have you had a feel around in the bag to see if you have potatoes? Unless there is any insect damage to the potatoes, they should be ok. You don't say where you are but in the UK there are very few insects which make produce inedible. I will check my vegetable book though.
I live in West Yorkshire, no I have not felt yet as my bags done not seem to be bulging, I will have a look around.The leaves are in good condition and I have never had this problem before.
Many thanks
Prefer Heinz baked beans, however as prices have shot up I now buy chic peas and make myself humus some days will be red peppers and another week could be tomatoes (healthy) its a lot cheaper making it and kidney beans (in chilly sauce) for chilly con carne
I always preferred Heinz beans but as you say with prices increasing, we have to think about the pennies adding up. I have tried most supermarket own brands but have come down in favour of Sainsbury's no added salt of sugar baked beans. In a blue tin they are about 45p per tin, half the price of Heinz. I also buy Sainsbury's own tinned tomatoes not the saver brand but the in between one. I never buy the tomato based products in unlined tins. They have been proven to have been linked to cancer.

Runner beans or French beans
All beans are fab especially the ones I grow
I voted none because the bean I would add to a meal wasn’t listed. To a Spaghetti Bolognaise would be red kidney beans, to any other fish my choice would be Cannalini beans.
Regret I voted none... Unfortunately, I do not like beans.
It’s okay. Not everyone likes everything. My mom doesn’t like lima beans, but I like them for side dishes and put in different types of meals. 😀👍
Sounds interesting. My husband loves playing with beans, but unfortunately, I do not like any.
Also love adding broad beans and edamame and anything unusual from the garden like purple beans

Butterbeans , I love them
No, just as a casserole with sausages, a simple cassoulet.
I like beans, but because of GERDs I am not able to eat beans.
Butter beans
Borlotti Beans are my favourite closely followed with butter beans
Cannellini beans and Butter beans
For me you can't beat the classic Baked Beans on toast it is nice and simple and quick when you feel you want to relax and chill out or feeling blue. But I must introduce more beans into my meals, you can never get enough of them.
Another great healthy eating survey. I'm glad to be a part of it.
Thank you for letting us know about the great idea for the baked beans, Lotus-Blossom . We have baked beans when we have burgers 🍔 sometimes.
We’re glad you are part of the group with us, too and you enjoy participating on the polls. We will have a new poll dealing with corn 🌽 after this weekend.😀👍