What fruits do you pair with blueberries? ... - Healthy Eating
What fruits do you pair with blueberries? Multiple choice.
Cantaloupe melon - colorful
During the Summer months we have a trio of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries every evening for dessert, they are supposed to be good for your immune system.

I ticked "Other" as Blueberries don't seem to agree with my system so I don't eat them.
That's okay. What fruit do you eat other than blueberries, Rosepetal60 ? I'm not allowed to have regular oranges or bananas because both have too much potassium in them, but I can have the plantains and baby oranges.
I avoid Oranges because they make it mega too easy to let iron into my system and I’ve got more than enough already . I do like raspberries, strawberries 🍓 and cherries. watermelon, melon and also bananas every so often. Pears ( conference) are a regular now as have heard they are good for one’s health. Not had grapes or apples in last few months. Great poll Activity2004
Thank you for saying that about the poll. I appreciate it very much. We will have a new poll soon about beans.😀👍
That’s interesting about the oranges. The regular ones have too much potassium in them and aren’t okay when on blood pressure medication. Smaller ones are okay with blood pressure medications.
That’s useful to know about the potassium level in the larger oranges, another good reason for not eating them. Will pass it on to a friend of mine who’s looking for ways to bring their potassium levels down. 🙂
I like blueberries, but I prefer them with red soft fruits, probably because they colour other fruits.
That's great to hear. Do you mix them with the blueberries as a fruit salad, or on the side, Downtime ?
Sorry not keen on them except in a muffin!
And Nectarines
I don't eat blueberries. Love to eat watermelons, cantaloupe, bananas, strawberries.
Watermelon, strawberries and cantaloupe are some of my favorites to add for a fruit salad or on their own with or without blueberries, Hidden .
Cool whip is good too🙂🙂🙂
Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and grapes
The fruits I like to pair with Blueberries are: Bananas, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Apple. This is what I call Summer in a Bowl or shall I say Heaven in a Bowl plus a healthy way to start my day for breakfast. I have my Berries with my Natural Onken Yoghurt, Cereal (Weetabix, Special K Original, Pancake...) I could go on.
Love this survey you really got me talking, I love talking about healthy living and eating. I even replace my biscuits with fruits, nuts and crackers. Look at me I just can't stop speaking about it.
I really should consider a job that promotes healthy living and eating.
I hope this will encourage others like myself who love talking about healthy living and eating. I really enjoyed taking part in this survey and I can't wait for your next one.
Cherries, I like a few blueberries and cherries together, always on an empty stomach because fruits travel faster through the gut than other types of food. Fruit eaten after a dinner can cause gas as it is slowed up and ferments.
I'll put most fruits in a fruit salad, except Blueberries. There's something about Blues that, for me, seem to pair well with Raspberries and Strawberries.
I have all the fruits especially at breakfast on my cereal. I also love them as a desert
I have blueberries strawberries black currants in my porridge for breakfast
Apple, pineapple or red grapefruit
I love all fruit but my favorite fruit to pair with blueberries has to be pineapple 🙂
Panz 🙂🙏💕☘️
Blueberries, cherries.
I like to make a red, white and blue dessert for the Fourth of July. Strawberries and blueberries, mixed in with whipped topping and I cheat a little. Shaved dark chocolate mixed in and sprinkled on the top. No baking, no fuss, just refrigerate. 😋
That sounds really delicious, Isinatra . I haven't had that in a few years. My Aunt had made it.
It’s so simple and you can tweak it any way you want. I picked up the recipe from a friend in Louisiana who is from Iowa. Small world…..
That's great! Does your friend do the recipe every Summer or year round?
Lol She made it once a year, then I moved and she moved and we lost touch. She made a mean whole wheat banana walnut bread, too. Sorry, I just had to share that. ☺️
It’s okay! Bananas are on the list so no sorry necessary. It sounds good. Can the bread be made with no wheat flour?😀👍