Which of these foods do you limit or try to... - Healthy Eating
Which of these foods do you limit or try to avoid? Multiple choice poll
Alcohol, I don't drink but I do like cooking withalcohol but I limit myself to once a month
Is it kidology to eat chocolate and avoid other sugary foods!! Of course it is. Xx
Nah!🤔 ..That’s just being female.. we HAVE TO have chocolate! 😁 🍫 I think it’s an ‘unwritten rule’.. 😬😉
TUT TUT TUT sexist or what?????? Chocolate isn't sexist! Enjoy your day xx
I know my comment wasn’t ultra ‘PC’; your comment amused me because I’m also the same re chocolate v sugar & I was just being (or at least, trying to be) funny and friendly.. 😊 Enjoy your day too..
Dairy too.
Oh yes and alcohol too
Try to avoid processed foods, never know what is in them.
Table salt, palm oil, processed meat - all to be avoided.
I am coeliac so have to avoid gluten but generally I avoid all processed foods. Everything I eat is cooked from scratch.
Hey me too junemc and don’t you feel better for eating naturally healthy foods as I do. 😊
I try to avoid refined seed oil but it's difficult.
Seed oils
What are seed oils apart from rapeseed and why do you avoid them?
Q. What are seed oils apart from rapeseed?
A. Soybean oil.
Corn oil.
Cottonseed oil.
Canola oil.
Rapeseed oil.
Sunflower oil.
Sesame oil.
Grapeseed oil
Q. and why do you avoid them?
A. because they are linked by many scientists to inflammatory conditions.
We only cook from fresh vegetables. Only canned food we eat is baked beans and tuna. Even this is maby twice a month maximum both together. Don't like/ try to avoid process meats, we don't eat ready made meals and so on. We not perfect, far from it but we try to eat healthy 😋. Whatever healthy is. We like biscuits so there we go - process food. 😜
Hey I love baked beans sometimes and none of us are perfect and neither are our diets what’s important is we eat lots of nutrients and some biscuits are very appealing. 😁

At least if you make them yourself you know what's in them. I mean I like banana bread but I sweeten it with apple sauce.
I avoid all of them. Other is not drinking alcohol because as a practising Buddhist clouding my thinking with mind altering substances is unethical. So no alcohol, nicotine, etc.
Hi lawli56 I ticked all of them and avoid alcohol because I have microscopic colitis so my reason isn’t as ethical as yours but it helps keep me well which your diet obviously does. ☯️

Another fascinating poll. Thank you. I avoid alcohol, I don't drink it or cook with it. I do look at the sugar content of things, but would rather have natural sugar than artificial sweeteners, in fact I try to avoid artificial sweeteners. Also I try to avoid high fat and high salt content, or any palm oil and unrecognisable ingredients. As a result I cook most things myself but if I'm buying ready made meals, biscuits or whatever, I always read the ingredients and try to find vegan organic. Also I avoid gelatine and cochineal / carmine which can creep into unexpected places.

Unusually for me, I ticked everything on the list.( except “other”)
Alcohol for me. I used to have a drink every day after work but reduced that to every weekend. Now I rarely drink and it’s helping with my weight loss and sleep ( no more indigestion)
I avoid drinking alcohol but not cooking with it. It adds great flavor to some things.... Serious question... Why avoid cooking with it? I see several... So besides religious, is there a reason?
Cooking with alcohol is different to drinking it. The alcohol evaporates during the process and leaves the taste behind but a dish will only be as good as the bottle of wine you use. I'm sure there are many wine connoisseurs who think its sacrilege to cook with a good vintage though.😆
Any ultra processed food, such as fake meat, sausages etc, or ready meals. Also refined grains and cereals. I'm vegan so dont eat meat, but years ago when i did i gave up bacon ham and sausages as soon as WHO said they were a similar risk as smoking.I limit alcohol to a sunday when i have a large glass of red wine. I try and limit or omit oil and fat. As dr gregor says, a moderate amount of fat leads to a moderate amount of heart disease.
I'm an Ozzie, so I grew up on steak and eggs for breakfast, steak always in the evening (or lamb) and if you go out (before the Chinese/Vietnamese emigrated over) you would go out to a steak house. Low on fruit and veg - apart from potatoes and salads which really are useless. Have now (I live in the UK) severe Diverticular disease which I have to take care of and watch what I eat. I still like the occasional steak, never ever eat processed food, nor ready meals, cannot find a juice which is low on sugar as don't have a sweet tooth, so resort to bottled water, tea and a morning coffee. Why there needs to be so much sugar in so many things, I've no idea. With alcohol (though I had my own pub for 5 years) I don't drink as I find most either too sweet, acidic, or gassy.
Full fat hard cheese Sweet corn broccoli causes wind
‘Processed foods’ generally. I prefer ‘clean’ foods ie generally cooking from scratch with natural, unadulterated ingredients & organic (inc homegrown/homemade) where possible. I don’t avoid or limit salt per se, but instead use very high quality/pure sea salt or Himalayan Pink salt in moderation. 😋
I wouldn't have lumped sugar and sweeteners together.
I don't avoid natural sugar but do avoid artificial sweeteners which are neurotoxic excitotoxins that can cause brain damage. White sugar isn't healthy, but at least it originates from a plant rather than a lab.
I prefer the raw brown sugar that comes from sun-dried sugar cane juice. It isn't highly processed or had the natural molasses and trace minerals found in the plant stripped out of it like white sugar has. In many countries natural pressed sugar cane juice is sold as a health drink.
Common "brown" sugar is just white sugar with some of the molasses added back, but it too has been highly processed.
My consultant told me that red meat was a good source of iron where it is in a structure that is most easily absorbed by the body, so indulge in the red once a week. Not sure if I could easily swap it with something?
In my view you shouldn't have put sugar and sweeteners together because sugar is a carbohydrate whilst sweeteners are chemical compounds and have a totally different dietary effect.
Similarly we need saturated fat especially the young for brain development and maintenance. Palm oil has an excess of Omega 6 and is not a food recommended being a polyunsaturated fat and not good for health. They should not be put together.
I really limit my sugar intake as it seems to trigger migraines which makes me physically sick so believe me I don't miss sugar.
I haven't eaten red meat and processed meat in a long time due to its link to a lot of cancers especially bowel cancer. When I did eat red meat and processed food I hardly eat a lot of it anyway so I really didn't really find it hard. I really don't miss it as I don't give it a moments thought.
I now only eat chicken, fish, turkey, veg, fruit and plant based.
Another great survey you really got me talking.