How often do you eat meat or fish? Multiple... - Healthy Eating
How often do you eat meat or fish? Multiple choice poll
Please select all that apply:
I eat more fish than meat though and lots of eggs and quorn. Since I can’t eat grains and can’t digest pulses too well, I don’t really have any other options.
I eat more meat than fish, to be honest.
Lifelong vegetarian since childhood for ethical reasons 🙂 - but I’m glad my diet choice has healthy benefits too I eat quorn as my closest equivalent to meat.
I'm not red meat eater. Much more prefer chicken or fish 🐟. I would be happy not to eat meat at all but my lovely family do like meat.
Although I love fish I am going to try and cut down, I also occasionally eat chicken bit I’m going off the idea of eating ‘anything with a face’. I never liked red meat and gave it up about 20 years ago. I add no milk to drinks and eat cheese but no dairy yoghurt.
We have fish at least twice each week, haddock, salmon, mackerel in season but we love shellfish, mussels in garlic and tomato sauce, prawns in a light rice flour batter but our real treat is a fresh local crab, simply eaten with good brown bread and butter. We try not to eat a lot of red meat but have lots of chicken and we have today bought our turkey. Alice
Eat more meat than fish even though I love fish but hubby not keen.
I love most types of fish but the price tends to stop me from buying it too often. Have never really enjoyed meat with the exception of bacon, sausages and faggots.
Absolutely random some weeks none some weeks five days of fish and meat, when the two blokes are here the meat eating goes up and when it’s just me I eat vegetables
i eat fish and meat,but not nearly as much as i used to,
I'm eating less meat and more fish. For some reason, I'm going off red meat, although I seem to have a craving for liver. Fish is mainly salmon or prawns, although I will eat white fish, but not battered.
I'm vegan so eat alternatives which are still wholesome and tasty. Fresh fruit and veg daily too
I must confess that I started to eat fish regularly after I was declared Type 2 borderline. Although I enjoy eating white fish or kippers 3 times a week I feel that it never fill me up as meat does. So i must declare myself to be a dedicated carnivore.
I try to eat red meat every single day for lunch but I do switch it up occasionally. I have chicken or fish at supper always. My priorities are getting enough iron, b12 and folate and some of the best sources is red and organ meat so I have no qualms and quite frankly enjoy eating them. If I reduce my intake it always shows up in my bloodwork like clockwork and I ain't trying to mess myself up purposely.
Just returned to eating meat. Can't stand fish at all. After years of being away from it, it was very strange to reintroduce. Still figuring out how to make it taste half decent.
Eat more fish than meat, mainly chicken

We tend to eat meat for dinner most nights, but I tend to bulk it with veg out so we eat less than a portion at a meal (so 3 chicken breasts for 4 meals).
I eat fish a couple of times a month, mostly for the omegas.
Mainly fish

This is a great poll, Hidden .
I usually eat both fish and meat a few times a week/weekend. We sometimes rotate every other day with one or the other so it isn't boring. This is mostly done for dinners, but it depends on what we all had for lunch, too.
I eat occasionally fish and chicken. I also eat a lot of veg and plant based meals as well with my mum. I don't touch red meat and haven't in a long time. I don't miss it. Even when I did have red meat it was rare so I didn't find it hard to stop. Especially when I heard a long time ago there is a strong link with it to bowel cancer. I will not risk my health.I love this survey you really got me talking.