What are your favourite healthy alternative... - Healthy Eating
What are your favourite healthy alternatives to sandwiches? Multiple choice poll.
Sausage, egg, cheese and bacon bap!
i dont like to eat to healthily....but i do live well.
Rice cakes with banana spread on them or Fruit Ryvita spread with banana and sliced strawberries on top.......YUM!!!
It's rare I replace sandwiches, (as I love them and walk 10 miles a day), but when I do it's an omelette or noodles jazzed up with scallions and/or bit of peanut butter and sambal oelek.
Hummus or peanut butter on crackers or dry toast.
Home made soup or any kind of eggs

I would say soup, or vegan omelette, or If I am pushed for time - I always have some Nudie snacks in the cupboard and Naked Bars 😊
Home made soup
I like pancakes for lunch sometimes as they are quick and easy. And I do like soup sometimes.
Me too Jerry, they are my 'go-to' when bread's not available. I also like a handful of nuts and raisins or akkra which are black eyed pea fritters, an African/Caribbean favourite with a kick of hot pepper.
A spoonful of peanut butter or hummus, or a handful of nuts.
Well everything except cottage cheese (lactose intolerance/mild cows milk allergy) plus occasionally I'll make a pitta bread pizza. Things like vegetarian pate with ryvita, eggs or beans on toast, beans with salad or a quinoa bowl, gf gnocci or spelt pasta with a home-made sauce and goat cheese. I also make my own vegetarian/vegan soups with a roll and of course baked potatoes with veggie toppings. I usually have something different every day. Obviously some things are more seasonal than others e.g. soup.

A couple of cheese oatcakes, walnuts, hemp seeds, small portion of cheddar cheese, cucumber, Or homemade soup. Great poll Jerry, really like your choice of Pancakes. Going to make a repeat note of this in my diary as a handy lunch for the winter. Some years ago, I used to make ? “Scotch” pancakes in the caravan. Will find the recipe!
Hey thanks Rosepetal60 you make some great choices already and buckwheat makes lovely gluten free pancakes. 🥞
Whole meal toast with avocado mixed with fresh lemon juice mashed banana and chia seeds 😊
Crumpets, topped with melted cheese.

No that’s so wrong crumpets are for loads of butter and big dollop of strawberry jam anything else is just not British 😬🤪My other half eats them with egg on which is really wrong she even gets pulled up about it at work lol
Banana, apple, hummus. I usually lunch at home so dont need sandwiches or rolls much. Id have salad and avocado, or steamed veg and tahini sauce, often with a slice of bread. My son has introduced me to zacuska, a Romanian tomato/aubergine spread and its delicious, so i often have a dollop of that.
Soup or oatcakes
In place of sandwiches at lunchtime, I usually eat omelettes, mixed salads or soups. But this is only when I’m at home since these choices don’t travel well. But then, I’m mostly at home these days 😊
Hm soup . My lunch is now a usually a salad or soup and that was the only time I ate a sandwich.

I rarely eat sandwiches, but I do love a toasted bagel for breakfast. I eat my main meal of the day at lunchtime, and in the evening tend to eat something lighter or some leftovers from lunch.
Hi Jerry, I'm super curious why you've listed "cottage cheese" but not ordinary cheese? Grilled cheese with fruit or veggies is a delicious alternative. My son always asks for grilled cheese in his lunchbox! it turns out looking like fancy parmesan crisps but its just ordinary grated cheese with a little olive oil, and only takes a few minutes under the grill.
Hi Cosmo501 that’s easy cottage cheese and fruit like pineapple is a dish on its own where as you can have cheese and pickles or lots of things with crackers for instance,
I agree that fruit with cheese like cheddar is delicious. 🍏🧀
We now make omelette wraps, use 1 egg then spread with cheese triangle, salad leaves and thinly sliced meat. I usually make them the night before, put them in the fridge and take them for pack up with an apple.
Especially rice cakes spread with tahini & topped with sliced cucumber & sundried tomatoes.. SO delish & really, (seriously!) REALLY ‘more-ish’!! 😋 ❤️ Also makerel with cottage cheese & salad; Niçoise salad (but I don’t bother with the tatties); Caprese salad (mozzarella, tomatoes, fresh basil with olive oil & balsamic vinegar); grapes with blue cheese, cruncy apples with Cheddar (natch!); fresh fennel with goat’s cheese; homemade veggie soups.. the list goes on.. 😁
Ooh!! 🤗 Carrots, celery, capsicum etc with houmos, tzatziki, taramasalata.. 😋
Vege, chicken stir fry
An apple, a chunk of tasty cheese and a packet of crisps...
Spanish tortilla! Mmmhh (and warmed up feta cheese)
I am gluten free, should be dairy free but I permit myself the feta. Also what we like doing when short in time is a salad with shredded celery, shredded apple and a can of sardines in tomato sauce. It actually is really yummy.
Nairns gf oatcakes with cheese & tomato 😋
As a retired chef, I have many alternatives to sandwiches. Every day is a different day. Being in lockdown, yet again, life has little bearing on my food preferences. Variety is the key for me. Different nationality foods, fish/seafood twice each week, meat twice each week and loads of vegetables, pulses and rice or pasta dishes. Balance in everything. It's never boring. Having cooked for crowds and run cooking classes, for many years, I realize that people get stuck in routines and don't throw open the door to new experiences. Variety is the spice of life!
An 'antipasto' vegetarian platter with fresh bread, cheese, sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil, olives and 'left-over' slices of omelette/frittata.
Great Survey.
I love eating so healthy I can actually feel all the health benefits inside of me.I voted for Crackers, Quinoa, Eggs, Rice, Potato, Salad and Mature Cheddar Cheese. I enjoy getting adventuress with my food as I eat things that are going to go off soon.
Looking forward to your next survey, keep them coming.
Use leaves of Little Gem lettuce instead of bread or bap. Always add tiny tomatoes x2 and 4 thin slices of cucumber as well as choice of cream cheese, cooked ham/meat or smoked mackerel/salmon
Homemade flapjacks with lots of seeds and dried fruit